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F&$k 'em!!! I'm glad they pulled the Egg Bowl now. I hope we never have to air one of our football games on their sorry a$$ network again. On that note, Ron Franklin needs to leave ESPN for Fox Sports Net.

I want to believe that ESPN didn't go there. I want to, but can't, because here is the article.

<a href='http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/quickie' target='_blank'>Trash...pure trash</a>

Mr. Shannoff, be careful. Fish might like how you taste.

yup, this is getting ugly real quick. Archie was just on ESPN, and basically accused the Chargers GM of leaking behind the scenes talks. Sounds to me like the chargers need a good 03-nutkick
If he would have waited to get the correct story he would not have slandered Eli. What a floater this guy must be!!!

Sounds to me like the Chargers GM is the whiner or the story would not have gotten out in the first place. They must have wanted him badly, or they did'nt want to look like the stupid bunch of jerks they are if they passed on him and picked a loser like they have done in the past. They need to face the fact that they need more than good players to change their sorry butts around, they need some coaching and front office changes.

So here's to you Shannoff and SanDiago 03-puke 03-puke :crying: :crying: 03-lol 03-lol
Yeah, the Shanoff jerk slandered Eli and Mississippi.

I'd like to take a bet with him on who will be the better Pro QB between Phillip Rivers and Eli.

Culture shock - Mississippi to NY. Really???? Thank God Mississippi is not like NY.

Whether they are correct or not is'nt the problem. The problem is the front office, SanDiego needs to being running a soccer camp instead of an nfl team. If they would get a clue they would'nt be consistant bottom dwellers. Who can blame anyone that is a top prospect for not wanting to languish away in a no win situation? He knows from experience watching his father.
georgew Wrote:Whether they are correct or not isn't the problem. The problem is the front office, San Diego needs to being running a soccer camp instead of an NFL team. If they would get a clue they wouldn't be consistant bottom dwellers. Who can blame anyone that is a top prospect for not wanting to languish away in a no win situation? He knows from experience watching his father.
Ain't that the truth!
Traditionally, Ole Miss greats have gone on to New York (Giants) and found success. That is where I'd like to see Manning, yet I could really care less. I mean, I'd like to see him in a Saints uniform with Deuce in the backfield.


Well, you have to realize that we, as Mississippians, aren't usually the ones that produce players of good quality. I mean, the best we can come up with is Archie Manning, Walter Payton, Steve McNair, Brett Favre, Jerry Rice, and Peyton Manning....yes, his family is from the 'Sip although he grew up in his later years in N.O. :rolleyes:

On that note, &^$% ESPN! They have ALWAYS been biased against Ole Miss and Mississippi in general. We produce AWESOME players and they can't stand it because they aren't coming from Notre Dame, Ohio State, or Michigan.


KlutzDio I Wrote:Traditionally, Ole Miss greats have gone on to New York (Giants) and found success. That is where I'd like to see Manning, yet I could really care less. I mean, I'd like to see him in a Saints uniform with Deuce in the backfield.
Who? I know Green Bay, Chicago, San Fran, Tennessee, and Indy, but greats to NYC? I'd MUCH rather see Eli in NYC than at the Chargers, but I do wonder, will he be a starter? Is Collins that washed up? A few years back at Carolina he was awesome.
That guy from ESPN most be an Oklahoma State alumni. :rolleyes: :D 03-wink
RebelKev Wrote:Who? I know Green Bay, Chicago, San Fran, Tennessee, and Indy, but greats to NYC?
Oh, there was a guy named Charlie Conerly. :D

I can't specifically think of any others off hand, but I'm sure there are.

Charles Stackhouse was dafted by New York last year, but I think he got cut. I'm not too sure if he did or not, but he was a great FB for UM. Do yall think that Chris Collins will get drafted, I hope he does.
msudawg57 Wrote:Charles Stackhouse was dafted by New York last year, but I think he got cut. I'm not too sure if he did or not, but he was a great FB for UM. Do yall think that Chris Collins will get drafted, I hope he does.
You're right 57. I forgot that Stack went to the NYG. I saw him play against my Falcons in an exhibition game in '02. It was hard rooting against him, just like it was hard rooting against Deuce down at the Superdome when we played the Saints in '02.

Stack is still there I believe, because he got into a near squabble with someone during a game this past season, and I remember seeing Fassel yelling at him.

RebelKev Wrote:
KlutzDio I Wrote:Traditionally, Ole Miss greats have gone on to New York (Giants) and found success. That is where I'd like to see Manning, yet I could really care less. I mean, I'd like to see him in a Saints uniform with Deuce in the backfield.
Who? I know Green Bay, Chicago, San Fran, Tennessee, and Indy, but greats to NYC? I'd MUCH rather see Eli in NYC than at the Chargers, but I do wonder, will he be a starter? Is Collins that washed up? A few years back at Carolina he was awesome.
The C-L printed a list of NY Giants who came from Ole Miss. Some of the greats were:
Rex Reed Boggan
Bookie Bolin
Charlie Conerly, already mentioned
Bobby Crespino
Glynn Griffing
Chuck Hinton
Jim Miller
Jimmy Patton
Jim Poole
Ray Poole
Bill Stribling
Leon Perry

What's up RebelKev? I thought you were an Ole Miss fan?
The C-L list didn't mention Charlie Flowers, how could they leave him out, nor did they mention Frank Kinard. What's up C-L??

Anyway, here's a comprehensive list of UM players drafted by the NFL (or AFL), and since I'm on a MAC I'll just copy and paste the URL.

<a href='http://olemisssports.collegesports.com/sports/m-footbl/archive/ole-m-footbl-nfldraft.html' target='_blank'>http://olemisssports.collegesports.com/spo...l-nfldraft.html</a>

Nonetheless, it's fitting that Eli and Ole Miss players in general have connections to the Giants, after all both teams' colors are red and blue!


KlutzDio I Wrote:What's up RebelKev? I thought you were an Ole Miss fan?
You caught me. I'm really an MUW fan in disguise. :rolleyes: I was talking about greats, as in HOF caliber of today. Sorry I didn't go back to my G-Grandfather's day in time in Oxford.
RebelKev Wrote:
KlutzDio I Wrote:What's up RebelKev? I thought you were an Ole Miss fan?
You caught me. I'm really an MUW fan in disguise. :rolleyes: I was talking about greats, as in HOF caliber of today. Sorry I didn't go back to my G-Grandfather's day in time in Oxford.
So Leon Perry led the Giants to the 1981 NFC championship game, and this is your grandfather's era???

Jim Miller was the Giants' punter is 1987. How old is your grandfather? When did he start breeding, at age 6?

Charles Stackhouse is currently a Giant, is he from your grandpappy's generation?

And, since you mentioned it, football players from the old days were the real football players. Today's players need contracts, signing bonuses, steroids, cocaine, ho's, fancy rides, Bike helmets and pads, along with lawyers, agents, ,marketing opportunities and all kinds of unnecessary crap. Today's players aren't real football players, rather they are a bunch of whiny liberal pansies like you!

Take a look back to football, either college or pro, back in the 1940s-50s. Back then players didn't need ambulances and hospitals despite the fact that the game was quite brutal. Plastics were a new technology and had not been incorporated into sports equipment, consequently players used a rubber helmet, had basically quilted padding for shoulder pads and there weren't any lower-body pads. Nonetheless they brutalized one another on the field every week during the season and when it was all over, they went back to their regular day-to-day jobs--other than football!!

Players back then were so tough they didn't even need face masks. And back then, 115 pound kickers didn't waltz out onto the field in the final 3 seconds to win the game for anybody, the games were won with solid running games, solid line of scrimmage play, tough defenses and gutsy quarterbacking.
If players back then got seriously injured, then they were screwed. They went from the $10,000 per year part-time job as a football player, back to packing meat or delivering mail that was their regular work. And no one wanted to get hurt because coaches saw injuries as a weakness.

Today's players by contrast have unions, contracts, insurance and all kinds of other pansy, whiny liberal social safety nets, including all those state of the art pads and helmets and lawyers coming out their collectivized arses. Today's players spend their offseason chasing and raping young girls, selling drugs, hangin' with Snoop Dogg, smoking pot and kowtowing to liberals like John Kerry or Saddam Hussein.

Today's players, by contrast, use all these performance enhancing substances like anabolic steroids, cocaine, PCP, ketamine and ecstacy. The NCAA players skate through their courses with fitness management and bullcrap like home-ec, along with typical liberal, hate the Marine Corps curriculum. In the meantime, players at any level spend their time lifting weights and getting ready for the season by playing Madden or EA's college football gameday on the X-Box, breaking the monotony by bangin' hot coeds. Today's players wouldn't know nothing about getting a job, except of course the late Pat Tillman.

So you may hate your grandpappy, but don't take it out on Ole Miss and New York Giants greats of the past. You may hate our president and our beautiful Marines, but hey buddy, just go back to MUW and pull for the swimming team you hopeless loser!



You know, I have never really been an NFL fan KD, but your last statement really, REALLY offends me. My Grandfather shot himself in '93 because he was still heartbroken over his wife that died of colon cancer in '82, known because of notes found stashed dating back to that time. She was stricken with Polio as a child and was the love of his life. He was a WWII veteran from the Pacific Theater with a Purple Heart he received when a Jap jumped in a trench with him and bayonetted him in the leg. ...soon after getting a magazine of .45ACP rounds in his head. His death effected me like nothing else in this world as we were closer than anyone in my family.

That was offensive KD. F You.
Dio, Stackhouse actually got cut by the giants last year. He is now a viking I believe. Just to keep your list accurate
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