
Full Version: Should MAC schools schedule 1 for 1's with the FCS?
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(03-26-2015 11:35 PM)Bull_In_Exile Wrote: [ -> ]Not a chance. I'd not even give an FCS school a 3:1...

If it's a 3:1 with an FCS, it's got to be some real special circumstances.

Kent State plays 3 buy games against P5 (soon to be P4) schools, we need the FCS home game to have five home games and remain a member of FBS.

So the kind of special circumstance would be something like a P4 school has to bail at the last minute and has to pay the guarantee anyway, and 3:1 parlays the replacement away game this season with 3 no/low cost FCS visits over the next 5-6 years.

But it would have to be a fix to a last minute problem. Electing in advance to do it is not an option.
I always say no. I also wouldn't be opposed to their being a rule that the FCS cannot play FBS unless they are in a transition phase. A big upside to this is that it would create/promote more games against peer G5 conferences, as well as more opportunities for MAC teams to play against the P5. Additionally, if those FCS schools are unable to pay to play at the FBS level, they shouldn't be getting paid to play against those teams, much less hosting a game.
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