Attendance Average with EMU-15791
Attendance Average without EMU-16722
Akron also brings us down, but I wouldn't suggest we boot them for 2 reasons:
1. They clearly add VALUE to the MAC conference.
2. They are making a clear EFFORT to improve their program.
If EMU can add value or at least show effort to improve their value (which they have refused to do for years and years and years) then I wouldn't be suggesting they get the boot.
(10-15-2012 05:23 PM)The Optimist Wrote: [ -> ]Attendance Average with EMU-15791
Attendance Average without EMU-16722
I don't think anyone disagrees that EMU has the worst attendance issues in a conference where all members have had struggles filling stadiums more often than not.
But in the whole grand scheme of NCAA FBS football, that margin is but a hair-width.
(10-15-2012 05:26 PM)Motown Bronco Wrote: [ -> ] (10-15-2012 05:23 PM)The Optimist Wrote: [ -> ]Attendance Average with EMU-15791
Attendance Average without EMU-16722
I don't think anyone disagrees that EMU has the worst attendance issues in a conference where all members have had struggles filling stadiums more often than not.
But in the whole grand scheme of NCAA FBS football, that margin is but a hair-width.
A hair wide?!? Akron is the 2nd worst team, and they are averaging DOUBLE what EMU is.
Yes, the difference between 15,800 and 16,700 is narrow in a college football world where the 'big boys' are getting 50K, 60K, 70K and up for games.
Sure if my team was getting 2K for a game (even in awful weather), I'd freak out a bit too. But you exaggerate its "impact" on the MAC as a whole. No one but the hardest core message-board guys are going to take notice of n=900 people.
Perhaps the economy is booming in Athens. Money found on trees. Recession must have missed the greater Athens metropolitan area.
Many MAC schools are cash strapped. State funding keeps getting cut back more and more. Unless you have a T-Boone Pickens donating and earmarking it for athletics, it will be hard to up the funding for football. Money and press coverage are the big differential btw the big boys and the MAC. Neither is going to change anytime soon, if ever.
Try dealing in real-ville, Optomist. Many of us would like to see the MAC better itself. You and everybody else can write and call your AD's office all you want but unless all of YOU have huge checkbooks and are willing to donate in a big way, it won't change those facts above.
Easy to sit and throw stones from where you sit. Grow up. What goes around comes around and one day it may be Ohio's turn to be the target of rants by arrogant fans to 'throw da bums out.'
(10-15-2012 05:42 PM)MileHighBronco Wrote: [ -> ]Perhaps the economy is booming in Athens. Money found on trees. Recession must have missed the greater Athens metropolitan area.
Athens is an incredibly poor area. Thankfully, our athletic department recognizes this and has put together some incredible deals to help out struggling families trying to support a Division 1 athletic program.
Quote:Many MAC schools are cash strapped. State funding keeps getting cut back more and more. Unless you have a T-Boone Pickens donating and earmarking it for athletics, it will be hard to up the funding for football. Money and press coverage are the big differential btw the big boys and the MAC. Neither is going to change anytime soon, if ever.
It also helps to have alumni encouraging the administration to support athletics. Sadly, this hasn't happened at EMU.
Quote:Try dealing in real-ville, Optomist. Many of us would like to see the MAC better itself. You and everybody else can write and call your AD's office all you want but unless all of YOU have huge checkbooks and are willing to donate in a big way, it won't change those facts above.
It all starts at the top. The MAC office must make it a priority to make sure schools meet minimum stands. EMU doesn't meet these standards. Bye bye.
Quote:Easy to sit and throw stones from where you sit. Grow up. What goes around comes around and one day it may be Ohio's turn to be the target of rants by arrogant fans to 'throw da bums out.'

Yes, Ohio will one day average under 3,000 fans in football. This will happen at the spring game.

Please stop writing "MAC Conference."
Also, please stop embarrassing us.
(10-15-2012 06:15 PM)JSF Wrote: [ -> ]Please stop writing "MAC Conference."
Also, please stop embarrassing us.
Good call on the MAC conference. 3 times is an embarrassing mistake. I'm caught up in the moment. Only 18 or so correct usages.
However, I consider my platform to remove an under performing team that is dragging down the conference as necessary as informing uninformed voters about unsustainable federal spending. Its a public service. Indirect charity work.
Exactly, who appointed "the Pessimist " as our spokesman? Been here 19 months and makes the majority of his lists right here ripping on EMU. Somehow I doubt somebody with such an axe to grind and want to be heard would have only 58 lists in that time.
And to think I was happy for the MAC and the Bobcats when Ohio was ranked 25th in the AP poll.
(10-15-2012 06:25 PM)HuronDave Wrote: [ -> ]And to think I was happy for the MAC and the Bobcats when Ohio was ranked 25th in the AP poll.
They've gone mad with power.
(10-15-2012 06:24 PM)Polish Hammer Wrote: [ -> ]Exactly, who appointed "the Pessimist " as our spokesman? Been here 19 months and makes the majority of his lists right here ripping on EMU. Somehow I doubt somebody with such an axe to grind and want to be heard would have only 58 lists in that time.
J Guy MAC (the MAC PR guy) actually appointed me official spokesman on the removal of Eastern Michigan from the MAC.
It is my optimism and belief that the MAC is capable of bigger things that drives me towards this belief that EMU is holding us back.
Huron fans take heart, you have many more MAC fan supporters than MAC fan critics.....
(10-15-2012 06:29 PM)Lord Stanley Wrote: [ -> ]Huron fans take heart, you have many more MAC fan supporters than MAC fan critics.....
As long as EMU meets NCAA standards, they are meeting the standards...if that means some "creative" games for attendance purposes (i.e. taking on Michigan State at Ford Field as home game), than they are doing something.
I'm also sure that if the MAC has standards (whether attendance or otherwise) that are separate or additional requirements from the NCAA, then EMU or any other school would be put on notice...
Even before EMU (or any other school) would be put out, they most likely would be placed on probation. I can't see the MAC having an in or out vote on the issue without taking that step (although they could).
(10-15-2012 06:28 PM)The Optimist Wrote: [ -> ] (10-15-2012 06:24 PM)Polish Hammer Wrote: [ -> ]Exactly, who appointed "the Pessimist " as our spokesman? Been here 19 months and makes the majority of his lists right here ripping on EMU. Somehow I doubt somebody with such an axe to grind and want to be heard would have only 58 lists in that time.
J Guy MAC (the MAC PR guy) actually appointed me official spokesman on the removal of Eastern Michigan from the MAC.
It is my optimism and belief that the MAC is capable of bigger things that drives me towards this beliefs that EMU is holding us back.
Maybe you are not old enough to remember, but back in the mid 90s NIU had the country's longest losing streak and attendance comparable to EMU. The MAC took us in, stood by us, and we were able to turn things around to become one of the best football teams over the last 10 years.I would urge you to support them rather than campaign for their removal. These situations are cyclical. It's our support of each other that keeps or conference strong and cohesive, unlike CUSA and the WAC right now. Enjoy your success because success can be fleeting.
Let me know when the support of each other starts. That sounds like it would be nice.
(10-15-2012 04:50 PM)HuskieJohn Wrote: [ -> ]Is every MAC season ticket holder taking advantage of the 2 free tickets for an away MAC game?
I wish they made it one free one per season ticket that you purchase.
I received no such free ticket for an away MAC game. Is this just for full members?
(10-15-2012 06:28 PM)The Optimist Wrote: [ -> ]...EMU is holding us back.
Like Vanderbilt is holding the SEC back?