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(10-15-2012 03:21 PM)NIU007 Wrote: [ -> ]It's always the recently successful team that wants to boot other teams.

It's either that or they start counting nickels to figure out how to bridge the yearly $20-30 million gap between a MAC athletic budget and the bottom of the old Big East.
When your attendance is 2,832 for a FBS football game the sky has already fallen.
(10-15-2012 03:13 PM)The Optimist Wrote: [ -> ]I would only pursue kicking out EMU if they do not make a noticeable effort to improve significantly from their current state. It is disappointing that so many fans of the MAC are unwilling to make commitments to take the entire conference to the next level.

Let's test your commitment.

My firm belief -- I am quite confident in this -- is that the only meaningful fix is for the team to win some games. If EMU wins more games, that means someone else, probably a MAC team since that's 2/3 of the schedule, will lose more games.

If it meant EMU's attendance would improve, would you cheer for the Eagles to beat the Bobcats on November 1? Show us how committed you are to taking the entire conference to the next level!
When you join this forum 19 months ago and have 1/2 of your whopping 53 posts right here flaming EMU over attendance issues it's obvious what's really going on. Ohio fans are starting to crawl out of the woodwork at a rate only rivaled by Templeprofit and his alter egos.
(10-15-2012 03:25 PM)cmadler Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-15-2012 03:13 PM)The Optimist Wrote: [ -> ]I would only pursue kicking out EMU if they do not make a noticeable effort to improve significantly from their current state. It is disappointing that so many fans of the MAC are unwilling to make commitments to take the entire conference to the next level.

Let's test your commitment.

My firm belief -- I am quite confident in this -- is that the only meaningful fix is for the team to win some games. If EMU wins more games, that means someone else, probably a MAC team since that's 2/3 of the schedule, will lose more games.

If it meant EMU's attendance would improve, would you cheer for the Eagles to beat the Bobcats on November 1? Show us how committed you are to taking the entire conference to the next level!
I am of the belief that EMU is already a lost cause. I will be cheering for a Ohio win that embarrasses EMU so bad their ticket sales drops from 2,832 to 832. When your attendance drops into the 3 figures range, even the schools the sympathize with you will bail. EMU is a lot closer to 832 than they are to 10,000. Replacing EMU with a program committed to improving itself may just be on the horizon after all.
(10-15-2012 03:13 PM)The Optimist Wrote: [ -> ]As my OP in this thread indicated, I am attempting to bring the entire MAC to infinity to beyond. If anyone knows what can be done to help EMU reach acceptable levels, I am all for it. I would only pursue kicking out EMU if they do not make a noticeable effort to improve significantly from their current state. It is disappointing that so many fans of the MAC are unwilling to make commitments to take the entire conference to the next level.

Just what are those 'commitments' that WE, as MAC fans, should be making, in your opinion?

I'd be almost agreeable to kick Ohio out of the MAC for its many pompous gasbag fans. In some ways it is understandable because, until recently, they hadn't won much of anything in football and now they are winning. But they really should dial the rhetoric down a few notches.

One expects a school whose teams in the two biggest revenue sports are having a nice run of success to puff out their chests a bit. However, the over-the-top explosion of posts on how great Ohio is seems to rub many the wrong way, for good reason. Pride in your school's accomplishments is one thing. Some of you have taken that to a new level, approaching arrogance. Now, cometh the fall.

This conference has seen this kind of success before and learned that it is fleeting, at best, especially in football. Keep up the growing arrogance and delusions full speed and watch the reaction around here when somebody beats your team. Entirely predictable.

I'm not anti-Ohio at all. A ranked team is good for the conference. But it seems that some counting of chickens has been going on since the PSU game by certain fans - because you knew you had an easy schedule. Best not trip up now.
EMU not playing in the MAC (and FBS) anymore because of football ticket sales/attendance is up to EMU and the NCAA not the MAC.
It's all about football. Attendance is for weenies. Let's kick out every school that hasn't won a MAC football championship in the last 40 years. They obviously have shown they can't compete.
(10-15-2012 02:38 PM)The Optimist Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-15-2012 02:34 PM)utpotts Wrote: [ -> ]Why is every EMU attendance thread started by an Ohio fan???? Thats the bigger question.
I would guess it has something to do with our high expectations/aspirations for the MAC. I guess not all MAC fans find 2,832 to be a low/unacceptable number that drags down the conference?

I've seen games in Athens when the Bobcats were bad.... Believe me it was not impressive..
(10-15-2012 03:31 PM)MileHighBronco Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-15-2012 03:13 PM)The Optimist Wrote: [ -> ]As my OP in this thread indicated, I am attempting to bring the entire MAC to infinity to beyond. If anyone knows what can be done to help EMU reach acceptable levels, I am all for it. I would only pursue kicking out EMU if they do not make a noticeable effort to improve significantly from their current state. It is disappointing that so many fans of the MAC are unwilling to make commitments to take the entire conference to the next level.

Just what are those 'commitments' that WE, as MAC fans, should be making, in your opinion?

I'd be almost agreeable to kick Ohio out of the MAC for its many pompous gasbag fans. In some ways it is understandable because, until recently, they hadn't won much of anything in football and now they are winning. But they really should dial the rhetoric down a few notches.

One expects a school whose teams in the two biggest revenue sports are having a nice run of success to puff out their chests a bit. However, the over-the-top explosion of posts on how great Ohio is seems to rub many the wrong way, for good reason. Pride in your school's accomplishments is one thing. Some of you have taken that to a new level, approaching arrogance. Now, cometh the fall.

This conference has seen this kind of success before and learned that it is fleeting, at best, especially in football. Keep up the growing arrogance and delusions full speed and watch the reaction around here when somebody beats your team. Entirely predictable.

I'm not anti-Ohio at all. A ranked team is good for the conference. But it seems that some counting of chickens has been going on since the PSU game by certain fans - because you knew you had an easy schedule. Best not trip up now.

Well said. Good football programs come and go in the MAC. EMU is in a tough spot geographically. But I still think there's nothing stopping them from having a good hoops program. All it takes is a few good players and the right coach.
The Optimist Wrote:
As my OP in this thread indicated, I am attempting to bring the entire MAC to infinity to beyond.

Single handedly nonetheless. Impressive. The only true fan of any team on here. What a guy!
[Image: Snapshot110-15-20124-36PM.png]
Incredibly small picture of the UT side at Rynearson this past weekend.
(10-15-2012 04:04 PM)UofToledoFans Wrote: [ -> ][Image: Snapshot110-15-20124-36PM.png]
Incredibly small picture of the UT side at Rynearson this past weekend.

Was that taken with a camera phone from 1999?
(10-15-2012 03:31 PM)MileHighBronco Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-15-2012 03:13 PM)The Optimist Wrote: [ -> ]As my OP in this thread indicated, I am attempting to bring the entire MAC to infinity to beyond. If anyone knows what can be done to help EMU reach acceptable levels, I am all for it. I would only pursue kicking out EMU if they do not make a noticeable effort to improve significantly from their current state. It is disappointing that so many fans of the MAC are unwilling to make commitments to take the entire conference to the next level.

Just what are those 'commitments' that WE, as MAC fans, should be making, in your opinion?
As I mentioned previously, I ask that all fans of the MAC call/write your respective athletic department, university administration and local/school newspapers and demand that MAC schools look for more out of the MAC conference. Standards must be raised if we are going to take this conference to the next level. Schools that make NO effort to improve their sports programs must not continue to drag down the conference. This starts with fans voicing their displeasure with the conference leadership and its policies of allowing mediocrity. As others have mentioned, this has been going on for awhile.
Are you willing to make changes to elevate the MAC? I am.

Quote:I'd be almost agreeable to kick Ohio out of the MAC for its many pompous gasbag fans. In some ways it is understandable because, until recently, they hadn't won much of anything in football and now they are winning. But they really should dial the rhetoric down a few notches.

One expects a school whose teams in the two biggest revenue sports are having a nice run of success to puff out their chests a bit. However, the over-the-top explosion of posts on how great Ohio is seems to rub many the wrong way, for good reason. Pride in your school's accomplishments is one thing. Some of you have taken that to a new level, approaching arrogance. Now, cometh the fall.
What over-the-top explosion have I had about how great Ohio is? I am stimulating a discussion in this thread about taking our conference to the next level. The only mention of Ohio I will make will be in regards to it being a member of the conference being injured by a team that is dragging it down. If you want to discuss Ohio attendance or winning with me, feel free to start a thread on those issues.

Quote:This conference has seen this kind of success before and learned that it is fleeting, at best, especially in football. Keep up the growing arrogance and delusions full speed and watch the reaction around here when somebody beats your team. Entirely predictable.

I'm not anti-Ohio at all. A ranked team is good for the conference. But it seems that some counting of chickens has been going on since the PSU game by certain fans - because you knew you had an easy schedule. Best not trip up now.
Again, what chickens am I counting? This thread is about improving the MAC. Not about the remainder of Ohio's season. You can ignore the true nature of my posts all you want... That is a part of the problem with so many MAC fans. No one is willing to address the issues. Especially the biggest issue, the lack of commitment some programs in the MAC are willing to make to win games and further the program.
(10-15-2012 02:58 PM)The Optimist Wrote: [ -> ]I have no issue with reporting attendance as tickets sold. My issue is that Eastern Michigan only sold 2,832 tickets.

Unlike you, I was at the game and saw the gate personnel with hand counters. I'm convinced that the number reported was actual butts-in-seats, not tickets sold.

Also, I think we all understand what you are saying so you really don't need to restate it again.
There were those among us here that advocated getting rid of "dead weight" like Kent State a few years back...for the same reasons (crappy football attendance). The problem with that approach is that you may be forgetting that overall a program like KSU outside of football is arguably the top sports program in the conference. Ranked teams in hoops, wrestling, and golf, and an excellent baseball program. EMU may not be quite as successful overall as Kent, but they also have had some success in other sports and are a member in good standing. I agree that drawing 3,000 fans for DIA football game is very embarassing, and does look bad for the school and the conference, but it's hardly grounds to kick out a school, especially considering how crappy attendance as a whole is in this league. I'd be more inclined to put pressure on a school to leave if there was a lack of commitment and effort at competing in the conference in sports, not merely home attendance in one (albeit perhaps the most important) sport.
Is every MAC season ticket holder taking advantage of the 2 free tickets for an away MAC game?

I wish they made it one free one per season ticket that you purchase.
I've been saying this for years. EMU is a lost cause. There is nothing that can be done to help with EMU attendance. Even if they went undefeated, which they never will, the decades of losing seasons and literally being in the shadow of the Big House is too much to overcome. Why people continue to defend a school that hasn't had a winning season in over 20 years is beyond me. EMU is an embarrassment to MAC football, and while they can win cross-country and basket-weaving titles the only sport that matters is FBS football.
You could argue that the MAC should be in FCS based on overall avg attendance. There are 14 FCS programs that have a higher home avg than the MAC avg.

2012 Attendance by Conference (Through Week 7)

SEC (AVG 75,556)
B1G (AVG 70,025)
Big 12 (AVG 59,364)
PAC 12 (AVG 52,896)
FBS Independents (AVG 51,171)
ACC (AVG 49,162)
Big East (AVG 40,788)
Conference USA (AVG 28,375)
Mountain West (AVG 27,707)
Sun Belt (AVG 21,223)
WAC (AVG 19,928)
MAC (AVG 15,791)
Ohio 23,788
Toledo 22,128
Central Mich. 20,126
Kent St. 18,389
Miami (OH) 16,442
Bowling Green 16,333
Northern Ill. 16,274
Western Mich. 16,041
Buffalo 14,972
Ball St. 13,638
Massachusetts 12,313
Akron 10,216
Eastern Mich. 4,618

FCS Schools Over 15K (AVG 19,649)
Appalachian St. 27,921
Montana 25,264
James Madison 22,709
Ga. Southern 20,075
Old Dominion 20,006
Southern U. 19,345
Montana St. 19,257
Delaware 18,836
North Dakota St. 18,655
Jacksonville St. 17,918
Tennessee St. 17,890
South Carolina St. 17,758
Liberty 17,068
Youngstown St. 16,821
Florida A&M 15,216


If you look at the CUSA/SunBelt figures compared to ours, as well as who rules the attendance roost in FCS, one could conclude that the South tends to be a more loyal bunch to their alma maters. The Northerners are more fickle and gravitate to whoever the local big boy bandwagon is - especially in "Big Ten Country" and near/inside the UM-ND-OSU triangle.

And EMU being 8 miles from UM is like walking a few feet from a defensive skunk. You're just so close to the stink that you can't get it off you.
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