
Full Version: Greenwald excoriates the hypocrisy on display at the DNC
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Quote:...the fact that Obama has persecuted whistleblowers hardly negates, or even pertains to, the charge that he has leaked classified information when doing so benefits him politically. Indeed, that's precisely what makes his behavior so pernicious: that his administration exploits secrecy laws to punish those who expose high-level wrongdoing while leaking at will for political gain.

More remarkable is that a Democratic presidential candidate is sticking his chest out and proudly touting that he has tried to imprison more whistleblowers on espionage charges than all previous presidents in history combined: more than the secrecy-loving Bush/Cheney White House, more than the paranoid, leak-hating Nixon administration, more than anyone in American history. Just contrast the script Democrats now read from to the one they pretended to believe in, in 2008; from the Obama/Biden campaign's official Document for Change:

[Image: leaks2.png]

Quote:This tracks perfectly with what Mother Jones' Adam Serwer adeptly documented Tuesday is the radical transformation in the Democratic party platform from 2008, when they feigned concern with civil liberties, to the 2012 platform, when Obama's record makes it impossible (and politically unhelpful) to pretend any longer. Rather than object to what Obama is doing with the power he has been vested is the exact opposite of what they claimed they believed four years ago, Democratic loyalists simply shift like the wind as their leader does, without even seeming to recognize that they are doing so.

Quote:Persecuting and abusing whistleblowers. Indefinitely imprisoning people with no charges. Due process-free assassinations of citizens, even teenagers. Continuous killings of innocent people in multiple Muslim countries.

This isn't just what Democrats do. It's what they now boast about, what they campaign on, what they celebrate. That, as much as anything, is the Obama legacy.


Here is the article mentioned above, from the right wing rag Mother Jones, highlighting the astounding changes in the official platforms from 2008 to 2012.

Predictably, all's quiet on the leftist front.
(09-05-2012 03:10 PM)BlazerFan11 Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:This tracks perfectly with what Mother Jones' Adam Serwer adeptly documented Tuesday is the radical transformation in the Democratic party platform from 2008, when they feigned concern with civil liberties, to the 2012 platform, when Obama's record makes it impossible (and politically unhelpful) to pretend any longer. Rather than object to what Obama is doing with the power he has been vested is the exact opposite of what they claimed they believed four years ago, Democratic loyalists simply shift like the wind as their leader does, without even seeming to recognize that they are doing so.

Eurasia, Eastasia...whatever.

This is all in line w/ what Orwell wrote about. Freedoms have been replaced w/ tyranny, because people weren't willing to fight for them.
The difference between not hearing about this at all and it being front page, protest inducing news is the letter after the name of the guy in the White House. In this case it's a D...........douche bag, dick, demon, devil, dirt, whatever, they all apply equally.
(09-05-2012 07:02 PM)smn1256 Wrote: [ -> ]The difference between not hearing about this at all and it being front page, protest inducing news is the letter after the name of the guy in the White House. In this case it's a D...........****** bag, dick, demon, devil, dirt, whatever, they all apply equally.

Despot, dictator...
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