I know alot of Ole Miss fans who also want the game to be played, I just think it would be the thing to do now. WVU has finally agreed to play Marshall. So im hoping one of our In- State schools take the chance to play So.Miss. With the 12 game schedule now in effect It is the most perfect time to fire up the rivalry again. Hope you guys help make it happen
You were offered a Home-Home series in the late 90's that you turned down. So cry me a river, we don't give a Rat's Azz about Southern Miss. Neither does Miss. State! :crying:
do it for whose fans? Southerns? We aren't concerned with you, why is that so hard to grasp?
Show me proof that you offered So.Miss a home and home game in the 90's you know as well as i do that never happened. And see you two sound like you're some of the few Ole Miss Fans scared sh!tless to play So.Miss is it because you know Coach O's Defense couldnt stop our normally bad So.Miss offense. Or is it that you know you're Decent Offense couldnt do sh!t on our great Defense. ???? Well Answer the question and bring on that proof :D
If you're scared say your scared
scared of what? You probably would have beat us last year, I'm m an enough to admit that. We were freaking terrible. However, to say we are scared to play you is absurd. We play LSU, Auburn, Alabama, Tennessee etc every year (eastern teams on a rotation). Why in the hell would we be scared of southern miss? Makes no sense whatsoever.
The real issue is that Ole Miss dosen't want to have to split a gate with a southern miss team that has shown it can't get support from it's fanbase. You want to play us, do it at Oxford. We would fill up the rock by ourselves at hattiesburg......and not even get 50% of the gate.
MadEagle Wrote:Show me proof that you offered So.Miss a home and home game in the 90's you know as well as i do that never happened. And see you two sound like you're some of the few Ole Miss Fans scared sh!tless to play So.Miss is it because you know Coach O's Defense couldnt stop our normally bad So.Miss offense. Or is it that you know you're Decent Offense couldnt do sh!t on our great Defense. ???? Well Answer the question and bring on that proof :D
If you're scared say your scared
You must be the next reincarnation of Goldturd. Go play with your tinker toys. I don't have to prove anything to you. Go away...your mommie's calling you! :la:
MadEagle Wrote:Show me proof that you offered So.Miss a home and home game in the 90's you know as well as i do that never happened. And see you two sound like you're some of the few Ole Miss Fans scared sh!tless to play So.Miss is it because you know Coach O's Defense couldnt stop our normally bad So.Miss offense. Or is it that you know you're Decent Offense couldnt do sh!t on our great Defense. ???? Well Answer the question and bring on that proof :D
If you're scared say your scared
Listen you little turdburglar. Nobody has to prove a gosh damn thing to you. I was at the athletics press conference when they announced that USM had turned down the home and home. As a member of the media, some of us just happen to know more than you do. I can go digging through my audio files and try and find the press conference audio from nearly ten years ago, but I choose not to waste my time doing so for you.
I was there. I know for a fact...USM turned down the home and home with us.
Now get over yourself you forking putz!
LMFAO @ U. Sounds like BullSh!t to me. HeyJeff Bower has said many of times he would go to Oxford or Jackson to play you. I still wanna see proof about that home and home series. I mean for all i know you could be about as big of a liar like alot of you Ole Piss fans are. You know though USMC first all let me say i respect you sir and what you do for this great country of ours. But with that said you are correct it wouldnt make no sence for Ole Miss to be scared but what is it then? I mean c'mon you guys have a good football team. I actually do not dislike Ole Miss I just want to see the series. Now about you other two guys who talked all that smack.. Keep talking thats all you can do but facts is facts...When So.Miss started putting that A$$ whippnigs on Ole Miss you fans got scared and begged to get out of that game. So see USMC its not you're football team thats scared, Its a couple of the fans. Not you of course like i said i have respect for you and what you do.
Like I said
IF you're scared say you're scared, you all know who im talking about ? :D
MadEagle Wrote:LMFAO @ U.
Okay, so you're in high school or middle school. That's fine. You have no clue do you? Nobody has to prove a thing to you bonehead. I was at the press conference. I have the audio somewhere. If I find it, it will get posted. If I don't, oh well.
It happened, even though you mustard buzzard fans don't want to believe it.
Get over yourself dumb***.
I do not know of any Ole Miss fan that wants to see a UM SMU football game . What do we have to prove by playing a school that does not support its own team. That roch you call a stadium is an eyesore and a laugh.
OLEGRAD Wrote:I do not know of any Ole Miss fan that wants to see a UM SMU football game . What do we have to prove by playing a school that does not support its own team. That roch you call a stadium is an eyesore and a laugh.
I want to see it simply to shut them up. Smack the mustard buzzards around a few times and I guarantee they won't renew the contract.
Smack the mustard buzzards around a few times and I guarantee they won't renew the contract.
HaHa. Kinda like those so called "mustard buzzards" knocked Ole Miss around in the late 70's and early 80's and Ole Miss refused to renew the series? It was you Ole Miss people who put an end to the So.Miss vs Ole Miss rivalry. Remember that son before you come back on here talking smack.
MadEagle Wrote:Smack the mustard buzzards around a few times and I guarantee they won't renew the contract.
HaHa. Kinda like those so called "mustard buzzards" knocked Ole Miss around in the late 70's and early 80's and Ole Miss refused to renew the series? It was you Ole Miss people who put an end to the So.Miss vs Ole Miss rivalry. Remember that son before you come back on here talking smack.
A couple of things here...I don't give a damn who chose to end the series. I do know who refused to renew the series however.
It's not me talking smack...it's you...a guest on our board. The mods and admins here choose to do nothing about you, and that is their choice. I merely stated facts.
By the way, only one person on this planet gets to call me "son" and that is my dad. Anyone else who does it gets their arse kicked. Do yourself a favor...remain anonymous to me.
I have to say arse there because the thought police censor you here.
Why don't you go over to www.[Spamming site detected and removed.].com and spew your venom old man! Nobody reads this board any more. Yeah I know you're old like me! Go get your chair batteries charged before you go out! :arse: :arse: :arse:
That's sec* f*a*n*a*t*i*c*s d*o*t c*o*m old dude! :wave:
Quote:A couple of things here...I don't give a damn who chose to end the series. I do know who refused to renew the series however.
Wizard is right on. It was USM that decided to not renew the contract.
We don't care. We've moved on to bigger and better things and are no longer interested in any thing in The Piney Woods!
i am one USM fan who could care less about playing ole miss or state, yeah it would be fun, but it really doesnt help either of our schools. Mad eagle please quit making a fool of your self on this board. i tired of this stupid argument :mad:
Im not tired yet :D . Now Southerrn mIssissippi has moved on to bigger and better things since Ole Miss frightened out of the series. I will not deny that at all, But I would still like to see a game between the two schools like most Southern Miss fans would. Write your A.D. and tell him to bring up the fact that So.Miss turned down a series in the 90's because im almost willing to bet you that is news to everyone in Hattiesburg. Has far as saftyeagle I didnt ask for you to join this agrument, I could care less how you feel about it. You sound like you might be one of the few So.Miss fans who were proud to add McNesse State to our schedule. Anyway I still wanna see it or hear it about So.Miss turning down a Home and Home series with Ole Miss in the 90's....

...Dont get to upset Wizard if you're anything like Ole Miss you may never reply on here again.
MadEagle Wrote:...Dont get to upset Wizard if you're anything like Ole Miss you may never reply on here again.
Oh, don't worry. As long as you're around spewing your b.s., I'll be here to make you look stupid...and there isn't a damned thing you can do about it.
Deny that USM chickened out all you want, but it happened, and we all know it.
Now go eat prunes...lots and lots of prunes. It will make you feel much better.