into conversations on this board .They may corrupt your mind and convince you that it is reasonable to win more than 4 football games in one year.However there are those who would rather you were not doing as well as the recent past shows because they are among the teams which lost to your team. Their arrogance will not allow them to deal with reality.
What's the matter? Too much of a p*$$y to attack us directly? Typical LSU. You and Joe go play with each other in the secret room now. He's a wrestler, just your type.
You and your entire school is the joke of the SEC .You can hang your CO SEC west banners all you want to.The fact is you are not and have not been the champion of anything.Eli is done falling down at OM who's next you?Of course you can't go to college your to busy patrolling boards on the internet.As to going play in the secret room I'm thinking that would be you in the OM locker room if the WB will let you in.You need to figure out your team should win
SOMETHING before you spout all this crap.But then if you waited for that you would never get to speak. Rave on Idiot.
BayouTiger9 Wrote:You and your entire school is the joke of the SEC .You can hang your CO SEC west banners all you want to.The fact is you are not and have not been the champion of anything.Eli is done falling down at OM who's next you?Of course you can't go to college your to busy patrolling boards on the internet.As to going play in the secret room I'm thinking that would be you in the OM locker room if the WB will let you in.You need to figure out your team should win
SOMETHING before you spout all this crap.But then if you waited for that you would never get to speak. Rave on Idiot.
Well, considering that I graduated seven years ago, I don't need to worry about going to college anymore, except for when I go for my masters degree starting next fall. Perhaps you should take some basic high school English courses and brush up on your grammar. Hell, third grade grammar would help you immensely.
Go f*$k yourself assclown.
Your post indicates you have a education if you attended OM this might explain why your language is so poor.The truth hurts about you and your little POS school.Your response is exactly what I would expect.As to my grammar don't concern yourself I've lived and prospered more than you will ever.
BayouTiger9 Wrote:Your post indicates you have a education if you attended OM this might explain why your language is so poor.The truth hurts about you and your little POS school.Your response is exactly what I would expect.As to my grammar don't concern yourself I've lived and prospered more than you will ever.
Well, you're entitled to your opinion, and that's all it is.
so, whiz, is it not considered "poor language" if we abbreviate? okkaaaaaaay......LMT, you can KMWA & TJTGSHMITK while he DHHWGAP!!
Cool.....I like it here..... :D