
Full Version: LMT the OM crowd has
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invaded this board as they seem to all that are about LSU.what's funny is they continue to come on LSU sitesand talk about the LSU
fans being obsessed with OM.You must go to ATlanta and actually play on the field to win a SECCG. The other possibility is you are one of the two teams on the field at the site of the BCSCG.I have not seen OM at either.
We've only come over to b1tch-slap the little junior, ******-tick, blow-hards like Lsublow, who like to come over to the OM boards and drop insults and then run home to mommy. Haven't you heard?......blow is and has been the board b1tch for several years....some things never change.

I feel sorry that he/she has to ruin it all for the decent lsu fans.........
Truth hurts, don't it Spanky? :crying:

Fact is LSU OWNS OlePiss in every single signifigant category that matters. We better than you in football, basketball, baseball, hot chicks, less homos, and better academics.
If I went to a school that spent the majority of its existence getting butt-poked by LSU, I would have an inferiority complex and want to get violent too!! Fortunately for me, I don't have to rwesort to such drivel because I am an LSU FIGHTING TIGER who is used to always winning on the field!!
You are dismissed.
What a dumb***, blow.......I can't say anything about the Lsu and ole miss rivalry over the last several years....well deserved for the tigs.....but I DO OWN YOU!!! Chump! The funny thing here....I actually played for my school, but last i saw...LSU doesn't even have shrimp-weight wrestling team....LMAO!!
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