
Full Version: LMT, I will take a minute to address our
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recent exchange. First, I was unable to open the link about your QB. After the board was invaded by the Ole Miss groupies I really did not find any post worthy of a reply. These folks want to come on an LSU site and tell somone to go screw themself. This requires a great deal of innate intelligence as well as a tremendous vocabulary.
However, the key here is reality and as the saying goes "reality bites!!" When they are finished attacking me they will still have the same school, team and coach.
Since the 1950's this school has not been very successful in any of the major sports. This football team has won nothing in the recent past. This coach may prove to be very successful; however the key will be that he and his staff stay our of jail. No problems. The future is bright. Take another drink!
Are you honestly that offended by some smack talk? You bash my alma mater, but have to do it through hidden, secret messages to a Memphis Tiger, and when I respond, you decide that we're obsessed with you. Funny how LSU fans can dish it, but they can't take it. Lighten up man. It's just a message board.

I am not offended by smack, however if the content goes to the point that f&*K you or go screw your self what is the point?My team has gone thru a down period under prior coaches Hallman,DiNardo.The teams that were at LSU during this period were not very good. The point is I am able to admit that here or anywhere else.You may be able to make the same kind of statement ,I don't know. As far as secret messages I was speaking to someone related to me. As far as Ole Miss is concerned in the big scheme of things I don't concern myself.
BayouTiger9 Wrote:I am not offended by smack, however if the content goes to the point that f&*K you or go screw your self what is the point?My team has gone thru a down period under prior coaches Hallman,DiNardo.The teams that were at LSU during this period were not very good. The point is I am able to admit that here or anywhere else.You may be able to make the same kind of statement ,I don't know. As far as secret messages I was speaking to someone related to me. As far as Ole Miss is concerned in the big scheme of things I don't concern myself.
Fair enough. My apologies for the f--- you comments as well. I try to save those for LSUJoe. 03-lol

I posted most of that on a really bad day, so I took a shot. I let my bad mood get the best of me that day, which is why I usually stay off all of the boards I'm involved with when I'm ticked off about stuff.

I'll buy the next round of beers. Guinness okay with you? :D

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