
Full Version: Miss State and Ole Miss fans
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[Image: olemisscouple7ub.jpg]
[Image: olemisstrailer4ix.jpg]
[Image: hacartoon6601bestop7su.jpg]
[Image: msuhunt0us.jpg]
[Image: msupoolop6eo.jpg]

WOW! Class !!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Ole Miss is a pathetic excuse for SEC caliber football, period..
headhunter315 Wrote:Ole Miss is a pathetic excuse for SEC caliber football, period..
Eh, go f*$k yourself and have a nice day. :D

Wizard When are you going to put that Toilet inside that Trailer ? :D :D
MadEagle Wrote:Wizard When are you going to put that Toilet inside that Trailer ? :D :D
Truth be told, that picture was taken at the Holiday Inn Express in Starkville when I was there for the '03 Egg Bowl. Didn't know anyone was looking. I've since cut the mullett. 03-lol

That was in a luxury suite by the way.

03-lol 03-lol Dont you hate when that sh!t happens
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