Quote:University of Pittsburgh Panthers
Unsure if that means he's transferring here or not.
From last week
Quote:Looking like I'm going to get my chance again... Stay tuned next week
Yes, he is transfering to Pitt. Anyone know when he would be eligible to play?
That's the question everyone seems to be asking. It seems that he may need a waiver to play right away. He sat out a year when he transferred to Arizona so may he could play this upcoming season. Not to sound like a pessimist here, but he is that much of an upgrade over Tino and company?
He did lose his job to a freshman QB in 2010 if I'm not mistaken.
It's too hard to tell. The one thing Tino has going for him is experience. Savage has a little of that too but I think regardless everything really stacks in Tino's favor this year.
(05-07-2012 12:07 PM)ClairtonPanther Wrote: [ -> ]!/TSavage7
Quote:University of Pittsburgh Panthers
Unsure if that means he's transferring here or not.
From last week
Quote:Looking like I'm going to get my chance again... Stay tuned next week
If true, the thinking may be that Chryst feels he can get started with Tino but has no depth, i.e., no credible back up. He (Savage) sure doesn't impress me. We beat him twice with Stull and Tino respectively. How bad is that? He lost his job to Chas Dodd whose about the same size as Trey Anderson.
My take is people will read too much into this until Tino graduates, if you catch my drift.
Weird twist to this story on ESPN:
Savage needs ACC move to play for Pitt
The article documents yet another bizarre Big East rule - once you play for any B.E. team, you can NEVER play for another one. So the only way he plays at Pitt is if you join the ACC for 2013.