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Both Panther Lair and PantherDigest is reporting that Shakir Soto has committed to Pitt earlier today. He's a 6'4 235 DE from the Wilkes Barre Area.
Wow, DW never started this quickly with so many recruits. As usual, the fears of Chryst and his coaching staff not being able to recruit has been greatly exaggerated...Not saying these guys are going to be blue chip beasts, but they all appear solid to me. All from PA so far.
He sent the news of his commitment in a birthday card he gave to Brechterfield...
(04-22-2012 04:18 PM)7fielder Wrote: [ -> ]He sent the news of his commitment in a birthday card he gave to Brechterfield...

Interesting tidbid... thx for sharing bro
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