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Found this little nugget out there:

Links Iowa's Derrell Johnson-Koulianos to a bunch of Toledo players including Desmond Marrow & Eric Page via a business called Make Plays or Die (M.P.O.D)

Tread carefully Toledo you were just starting to turn around your program.

Tread carefully when implying guilt by association.
Did you even read the article???? Derrell Johnson-Koulianos and Desmond Marrow were friends from High School and now they are going to get a business going when they graduate from college. I'm really trying hard to find whats wrong with this?????
Or at NIU is entrepreneurship frowned upon????
Don't worry i'm sure the majority of NIU football players know where "the hook up" is as well. Now go worry about FSU.
(12-14-2010 12:15 PM)numbersdontlie Wrote: [ -> ]All kids have to make their own decisions. But I will say this, in Kill's 3 years as coach no players got arrested. So either they are good at hiding it or the majority of them are clean.

I'm not saying Toledo did anything wrong but when an article is published in August, aren't you going to start thinking about those types of things? Maybe it had nothing to do with drugs at all. Would you want your players around that type of person? Me - no thanks.

You really as a coach can't control who your players are friends with. Marrow and Derrell Johnson-Koulianos were friends at Youngstown Mooney High School. Why do you keep adding drugs to the equation?????
(12-14-2010 12:31 PM)numbersdontlie Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-14-2010 12:21 PM)utpotts Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-14-2010 12:15 PM)numbersdontlie Wrote: [ -> ]All kids have to make their own decisions. But I will say this, in Kill's 3 years as coach no players got arrested. So either they are good at hiding it or the majority of them are clean.

I'm not saying Toledo did anything wrong but when an article is published in August, aren't you going to start thinking about those types of things? Maybe it had nothing to do with drugs at all. Would you want your players around that type of person? Me - no thanks.

You really as a coach can't control who your players are friends with. Marrow and Derrell Johnson-Koulianos were friends at Youngstown Mooney High School. Why do you keep adding drugs to the equation?????

Perhaps you haven't heard:
DJK arrested on Drug Charges

Just for the record your OK with your players are friends with drug dealers? Seems like your friend and business partner, Marrow in this case, would know about that little detail. The article even goes on to state: Marrow and Koulianos plan on launching M.P.O.D. Inc. after their collegiate careers.

So Marrow either knew and didn't care, or is the worst business partner ever because he didn't know.

Yeah I don't give 2 ***** about Iowa. Do you not read the article, they have been friends since they were in H-I-G-H S-C-H-O-O-L (I had to spell it out for you because you are obviously ignoring that fact.) You can not control who players are friends with. Your players are adults they can make their own decisions and will accept the consequences. You are making a bigger deal out of this than what it is, because once again an NIU fan thinks that Toledo is their rival and will do anything to bring them down. Your guilt by association is kinda getting old.
I call BS. Implying someone is involved in drugs without any real evidence is really stretching it to make message board points. Way too many assumptions are being made that have nothing to back them up. Personally, I think it's way over the line and the AUP. Very unfair to imply that these UT players are involved in or knew about this guy trafficking drugs. But I'm not a mod...
Must be a slow day at Burger King.
You say that the UT guys aren't guilty of anything, yet the way you frame your "facts" are clearly an attempt to get everyone to think otherwise.
Here's your violation of the AUP, since you obviously haven't read it:
Quote:- Any personal attack on other posters, school administration, and/or student athletes is subject to immediate removal without notice at the discretion of mods and admins.
Quote you:
Quote:Just for the record your OK with your players are friends with drug dealers? Seems like your friend and business partner, Marrow in this case, would know about that little detail.

I'd call that libelous if someone suggested that I was complicit in a crime, and if I ran a message board, I'd want no part of statements like that on the board because I'd be sued, too. If I were Marrow, I'd have a legal representative firing off a request to NCAAbbs to get your personal particulars, and of those who run the board. But that's just me.

I think it's pretty clear in this thread, despite your denials, that you are trying to trying to drag some names through the mud without any connection, other than a previous one that has nothing to do with drugs. I think your intent was not to just present facts, but to paint a picture. And I think it's obvious to everyone, even you, your weak backtracking notwithstanding.
Could we at least marginalize this junk to the Smack board?
(12-14-2010 01:48 PM)numbersdontlie Wrote: [ -> ]I didn't say he was involved in drugs. I didn't say Toledo players were guilty. You need to R E A D. Lemme break it down for you:

Fact: Marrow is friends with Derrell Johnson-Koulianos.
Fact: Marrow and Derrell Johnson-Koulianos have a business together called M.P.O.D.
Fact: Other Toledo players are involved in M.P.O.D.
Fact: Derrell Johnson-Koulianos has been arrested on drug charges

Tell me how I'm violating the AUP because I'm saying the following facts.

So what if Marrow was high school buddies with DJK. Can't Marrow control who he's friends with or who he decides to go into business with or did you miss that part of growing up where you have consequences for your actions?

Good luck with the business, I'm sure they will be getting a ton of offers to expand now that one of their principle owners is going to jail.

There are a lot of kids throughout the country that are involved with M.P.O.D. We're talking about several schools. Saying there is something wrong with all of these kids because one of them turned out to be a drug dealer is just ridiculous. Other known members of M.P.O.D. include the following:

Mike Marrow (formerly Alabama and transferring to EMU)
Brandon Beachum (Penn State)
Jermale Hines (Ohio State)

From a Toledo Blade article about M.P.O.D. - Marrow and Johnson-Koulianos created Make Plays or Die, Inc., as a sort of fraternity for college football players that excel at their craft. It has since expanded to other schools and sports, but gaining membership to this exclusive club is still stringent.
(12-14-2010 02:44 PM)Okie Chippewa Wrote: [ -> ]Could we at least marginalize this junk to the Smack board?

Yes, please.
One other thing. Toldeo must be the most common typo other than the MAC Conference!
(12-14-2010 02:41 PM)axeme Wrote: [ -> ]Here's your violation of the AUP, since you obviously haven't read it:
Quote:- Any personal attack on other posters, school administration, and/or student athletes is subject to immediate removal without notice at the discretion of mods and admins.
Quote you:
Quote:Just for the record your OK with your players are friends with drug dealers? Seems like your friend and business partner, Marrow in this case, would know about that little detail.

I'd call that libelous if someone suggested that I was complicit in a crime, and if I ran a message board, I'd want no part of statements like that on the board because I'd be sued, too. If I were Marrow, I'd have a legal representative firing off a request to NCAAbbs to get your personal particulars, and of those who run the board. But that's just me.

I think it's pretty clear in this thread, despite your denials, that you are trying to trying to drag some names through the mud without any connection, other than a previous one that has nothing to do with drugs. I think your intent was not to just present facts, but to paint a picture. And I think it's obvious to everyone, even you, your weak backtracking notwithstanding.

Well put, Axe...
(12-14-2010 05:15 PM)Karl Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-14-2010 02:41 PM)axeme Wrote: [ -> ]Here's your violation of the AUP, since you obviously haven't read it:
Quote:- Any personal attack on other posters, school administration, and/or student athletes is subject to immediate removal without notice at the discretion of mods and admins.
Quote you:
Quote:Just for the record your OK with your players are friends with drug dealers? Seems like your friend and business partner, Marrow in this case, would know about that little detail.

I'd call that libelous if someone suggested that I was complicit in a crime, and if I ran a message board, I'd want no part of statements like that on the board because I'd be sued, too. If I were Marrow, I'd have a legal representative firing off a request to NCAAbbs to get your personal particulars, and of those who run the board. But that's just me.

I think it's pretty clear in this thread, despite your denials, that you are trying to trying to drag some names through the mud without any connection, other than a previous one that has nothing to do with drugs. I think your intent was not to just present facts, but to paint a picture. And I think it's obvious to everyone, even you, your weak backtracking notwithstanding.

Well put, Axe...

I am no fan of Toledo, but at best this guilt by association: at worst libelous.
The moderator is absolutely correct.
(12-14-2010 06:38 PM)Doc KSU Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-14-2010 05:15 PM)Karl Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-14-2010 02:41 PM)axeme Wrote: [ -> ]Here's your violation of the AUP, since you obviously haven't read it:
Quote:- Any personal attack on other posters, school administration, and/or student athletes is subject to immediate removal without notice at the discretion of mods and admins.
Quote you:
Quote:Just for the record your OK with your players are friends with drug dealers? Seems like your friend and business partner, Marrow in this case, would know about that little detail.

I'd call that libelous if someone suggested that I was complicit in a crime, and if I ran a message board, I'd want no part of statements like that on the board because I'd be sued, too. If I were Marrow, I'd have a legal representative firing off a request to NCAAbbs to get your personal particulars, and of those who run the board. But that's just me.

I think it's pretty clear in this thread, despite your denials, that you are trying to trying to drag some names through the mud without any connection, other than a previous one that has nothing to do with drugs. I think your intent was not to just present facts, but to paint a picture. And I think it's obvious to everyone, even you, your weak backtracking notwithstanding.

Well put, Axe...

I am no fan of Toledo, but at best this guilt by association: at worst libelous.
The moderator is absolutely correct.

And all the mod did was agree with EVERYONE else- but he's the bad guy...


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[Image: image_4e5cc25544a31.png]

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Несколько полезных фактов о белом вине

Давно уже стало привычным разделять театр и кино на Трагедию и Комедию. А вот виноделы всего мира церковные праздники свое искусство подразделяют на вино красное и белое. Интересным является тот факт, что история виноделия пустила свои корни в Египте, примерно 4 тысячи лет назад. И началось все с белого вина.

[Image: image_4e5cc25544a31.png]

Белое вино является именно белым, потому что не имеет красящих элементов, которые содержит великая отечественная виноградная кожица. Когда создают этот напиток, сок винограда отделяют от его мякоти. Таким образом, красящие вещества не попадают в вино
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