
Full Version: Obama Sells Out US to Russia for Gains to GE, Morgan Stanley and TPG - Taxpayer Lose
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Friday, September 18, 2009

IOU’s at the Center of Obama’s Capitulation to Russia?

In an afternoon report from Reuters on September 17, 2009, we see the headline Obama helps strengthen General Electric-Putin Ties. This article effectively suggests that our President sold America out for IOU’s to GE and Wall Street thugs for campaign promises. Might that also be for future election coffer fattening purposes as well? Purposes that serve only him and perhaps a select few governmentally symbiotic corporations and news outlets who want the deal of a lifetime. And I quote:

"Shortly after the pullback on the shield programm was announced, Russia's government said Prime Minister Vladimir Putin would meet several U.S. executives on Friday from firms including General Electric, Morgan Stanley as well as TPG, one of the world's largest private equity firms."

I can’t believe what I am reading. I don’t want to believe what I am reading, but there it is. Right there in black and white on the front page of the Washington Examiner. I am sick. Not only are the American Taxpayers on the hook for IOU’s to the Unions, but apparently our liberty, freedom and safety are on the block too. This audacious man (The “Won” who poses to be the President of the United States with ACORN laden votes and deal sealing election returns) will actually risk our safety by scrapping our “peaceful” means of protection (that I might add I am loathe to figure out - if Russia is our “friend” as they claim to be - they would be upset about in the first place) for freaking IOU's!

Before I continue any further on the theme though, let’s digest that last parenthesized thought for just a second. If I understand Russia's "concern" here, had we continued with the Missile Shield Program, Russia would continue to be upset… Why is that? It’s not like we are aiming missiles at them, we are simply shielding those that might come our way from Iran or N. Korea. Right? Doesn't it make you wonder why that would "concern" a country… unless of course they thought perhaps there may come a day where they, too, would feel the need to threaten to pop a few over the border themselves….

But nooooo. It’s about giving his buddies at GE, at TPG and at Morgan Stanley a leg up in the region. More union IOU’s, a posh seat for MSNBC at the table (by association to GE), as well as a few more investment banker favors - as if he isn’t holding the American Taxpayer hostage to the likes of union and Wall Street thugs enough already?

So now we find out that it’s all about the money…. Really? Our safety and our Sovereignty are sold to the highest bidder? Are "We the People" a tradable commodity for the padding of special interest and election coffers? Our country is no longer concerned about its own, let alone the people Russia could care less about while they turn off their heating fuel, causing them freeze to death in the worst winter on record.

This, my friends, is what we get with “Change” and “Hope”. Did we really just exchange 222 years (on Constitution Day no less) of our freedom and sovereignty for IOU's? Did we just waste 30 years of hard work by this and other nations, who collectively worked and bled hard to specifically end the horrors of the Cold War? Did we really just sell out the struggle that these ex-satellite countries have undergone to gain a little of their own rightful sovereignty from the great beast Russia, just as they were beginning to work? We, the great defender of democracy that we are? All for money? All for more profits and a fatter reelection account?

Can this be treason for no other reason than the man makes a deal with the wolf in sheep's clothing without concession one from said wolf? I don’t see how it couldn’t! People! WE NEED TO WAKE TF UP! We have to put an end to this madness!

I am telling you now…this is not an accident that ‘The Won’ did this on Constitution day and on the 70th anniversary of the Soviet invasion into Poland!! This was not an accident at all. This act on this day was not any more an accident than bobbing for quarters before the King of Saudi Arabia was an accident.

No friends, this was a message. Loud and Clear. This is significant in and of its own right, and I firmly believe history will prove that statement true. Nothing this man does is without symbolism and this is the biggest symbolic move he could provide the world. That is exactly what he did. He delivered the message while putting the final big screws to the coffin of our Constitution - on Constitution Day - in front of the whole freaking world.

Well, I just guess that makes Sept 17, 2009 another day that will go down in infamy, doesn’t it?

Putin tipped the celebratory glass of frozen Vodka this morning as he got exactly what he wanted and he had to make no concessions to get exactly what he wanted (still wondering why he wanted it) while Obama sold out democracy in one fell swoop - all for a past and a future election and mo’ power with the devils that be.

Oh how Winston Churchill is rolling over in his grave right now! The poor heroic corpse must feel like a top! The entirety of Churchill’s last years were trying (unsuccessfully) to convince Eisenhower and others of the grave danger of this behemoth we once (and soon will again) called the Soviet Bloc.

Now here we are 30 years after the biggest victory in recent history, just handing it right back to them. We are dumping on the freedom-seeking Slav nations in such a devastating way - and we do so without passing go. We are headed straight back to the cold war as soon as Russia can threaten and undermine the fledging sovereign countries of Ukraine, Georgia and a few other key States. Do not doubt that this is where we are headed or - God Almighty forbid - worse.

It is a documented fact that Russia is in bed with Iran. They are making a lot of squeaky noises, overtures and sometimes outright war gestures to their former States. Germany, Israel and other key allies completely believe that Iran is in fact building nuclear weapons, but our White House is so loaded down with Bo's ho’s who wouldn’t disagree with “the Won” even if they were threatened within an inch of their lives, that even if they did disagree, they wouldn't admit the disagreement. Bought, sold and guaranteed a select spot in the Post-American world, they will do whatever he or his minions request.

No one questioned why The Won was able to raise all that money, which devil he had sold his soul to then…but gosh, I guess we know now don’t we? That would be Brezhnev, Soros, Rockefeller, Kissinger, the UN chief Ban Ki-moon, the Union Lords, Wall Street, and who else can we list here….God knows we can’t list them all – there simply isn’t enough room!

Say farewell to your Sovereignty, America. Your final bill just came due and payable. You are now officially a banana republic replete with bought elections and the selling of the people’s wages for whatever deal guarantees that "The Won" who is in power, stays in power. Watch your bank account for that is the only thing between you and complete serfdom.

If Pelosi wants to cry about violence…why in the hell doesn’t she cry about this?


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