
Full Version: Clinton promises $ 900 Million to rebuild Gaza.
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Quote:The U.S. pledged more than $900 million in financial assistance for the Palestinian Authority, including $300 million in humanitarian assistance.

Now excuse me but America is running a 1 1/2 TRILLION DOLLAR DEFICIT right now. That mean's we'll be borrowing the $ 900 Million from the Chinese (if we can get them to buy US Treasury Bonds) to give to the Palestinians. HELLO!!!!

Charity starts at home folks. When you're broke you shouldn't be borrowing money to give to your neighbors.

The Israelis blew up Gaza. Let THEM pay for rebuilding it, not us!

It's bad enough we had to pay the cost of their war with Hizbollah in Lebanon last year-a war we didn't support, by the way. But Israel's supporters in the US Congress rushed through a bill making the American Taxpayers pay $ 500 Million towards the cost of that war. Now they want us to pay for rebuilding Gaza after Israel blew it up in their latest temper tantrum.

As far as I'm concerned we ought to extend our middle finger to Israel and the Palestinians. Let them kill each other for all I care, not one damn dime more!! PHUCK THEM..!!!!
They should pay us money after all these years of support, we're in a time of need as a country.
Like that will ever happen. The cash flow between Israel and the US only goes one way-from US taxpayers to them. When I think of the money we've given that nation over the years it makes me damn mad.

And they're a wealthy nation! Folks who've visited there tell me it's like southern California with new roads, developments, top infrastructure. But everytime they need or want something Congress gives it to them and the Presidents are too concerned about the Israeli lobby to deny them.

They ought to be concerned about the American people, because we're reaching the limits of our patience.
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