
Full Version: The lighter side of Neyland...
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OK, I'm sick of the negativity. Yeah, yeah, spare me the crap. Here's my day's highlights:
  • Got up at 5:15 a.m., showered, dressed and out the door by 6 a.m. This morning marked the first time I've seen the sunrise since, oh, the last time I played poker all night. I can't remember the last time I WOKE up in time. It's actually very pretty.
  • Stopped at Waffle House for breakfast. I love Tennessee's new smoking law. It was the first time I've eaten at a Waffle House and could see what I was eating and not have to squint through the smoke. And the smothered, covered and peppered hashbrowns were delicious.
  • The shuttle system in Knoxville is fantastic. I parked downtown for free, paid $5 for a round-trip ride on the Old City Shuttle, and got dropped off and picked up right outside the stadium. And the bus was air-conditioned. Praise Jesus.
  • Mayfield (not Jeremy, the ice cream company) was giving away free ice cream outside the stadium. The Strawberry Cheesecake was delicious.
  • My father-in-law insisted on purchasing the beverages inside the stadium, since I had paid for the ticket and the gas to and from Knoxville. I drank $17.50 worth of water.
  • As always, the UAB fans were great. I enjoyed talking to everyone around me, and despite the events that transpired on the field, for the most part, had a great time.
  • vinebc, it was great finally meeting you in person. I still owe you a beer.
  • "Eighty-eight is great. Throw to eighty-eight."
  • The cheers that went up when a cloud approached the stadium.
  • The oohs and aahs that went up every time said cloud actually passed in front of the sun.
  • At one point during the game, UT fans started booing when they thought UAB should have been hit with a roughing-the-passer call. When the boos died down, I shouted, "You're right, your quarterback sucks." Somewhere behind me, a UT fan shouted back, "No sh!t." Priceless.
  • The UT fan who said to me after the game, "Why the hell does UAB get all the good quarterbacks, and we get stuck with idiots?"
  • Getting back on the air-conditioned bus after leaving the oven that is Neyland in the afternoon sun.
  • Getting in my air-conditioned truck after getting off said bus.
  • The steak dinner my father-in-law bought for me at Outback in Cookeville after the game.
  • Convincing my father-in-law that a necessary detour was in order after dinner. After all, I had $17.50 in water in me. I felt the need to urinate on Watson Brown field.
  • Watching a UT fan get stopped for speeding after he had nearly run me off I-40 while driving about 90.
  • Getting home, taking a cool shower, and watching more football from the comfort of my couch, while sitting directly underneath the air-conditioning vent (did you know it was hot at Neyland?).
  • My wife handing me an ice-cold beer in a frozen mug while sitting on said couch.
Hey,GN, My grand daughter from Collierville, TN is a freshman at MTSU this fall. Do you teach frosh subjects?
BAMANBLAZERFAN Wrote:Hey,GN, My grand daughter from Collierville, TN is a freshman at MTSU this fall. Do you teach frosh subjects?

Only in journalism.
Glad you had a good, albeit hot, time visiting Big Orange hell.
Don't worry about the negativity. There was some good that came from this game as well, although some have yet to admit it.

Oh, I hope you gave that field in Cookeville a really good watering, too. I'm sure you're not the first.
Grammar-Nazi Wrote:[*]Convincing my father-in-law that a necessary detour was in order after dinner. After all, I had $17.50 in water in me. I felt the need to urinate on Watson Brown field.

Great post. Man I miss Waffle House hashbrowns.
I got my smelly alabama cracker ass booed and taunted yesterday. When I got out of the car and walked to the stadium.

At one point, I got tired of fighting the crowd and walked down the street. I didn't know this at the time, but I was walking down the hallowed route where the team bus goes through a guantlet of Tenn fans. 03-lmfao

I realized my transgression after the game when Fulmer was talking about how proud he was of the 10,000 or so that lined the street.

A 6'5" 270 lb green mass waling through a sea of baby 01-scout orange

Next time, I having that beer, GN, and taking you with me. 01-lauramac2

It was a pleasure meeting you and your father in law.
vinebc Wrote:I got my smelly alabama cracker ass booed and taunted yesterday. When I got out of the car and walked to the stadium.

At one point, I got tired of fighting the crowd and walked down the street. I didn't know this at the time, but I was walking down the hallowed route where the team bus goes through a guantlet of Tenn fans. 03-lmfao

I realized my transgression after the game when Fulmer was talking about how proud he was of the 10,000 or so that lined the street.

A 6'5" 270 lb green mass waling through a sea of baby 01-scout orange

Next time, I having that beer, GN, and taking you with me. 01-lauramac2

It was a pleasure meeting you and your father in law.

The two of us walking down any street should put some fear into the passersby.
I think you two fellas need to join CopperBlazer and I in Memphis.

The 4 of us could own any establishment by just walking through the door and I will be the runt at 6-3 235.
ATTALLABLAZE Wrote:I think you two fellas need to join CopperBlazer and I in Memphis.

The 4 of us could own any establishment by just walking through the door and I will be the runt at 6-3 235.

I'm all for that. Just think of the fun we could have!
UAB Band Dad Wrote:GODZIRRA!!!

Holy smokes! 04-jawdrop
Between vinebc, Grammar Nazi, CopperBlazer, and ATTALLABLAZE, I would never be seen in that crowd ... and yes, the four of you together constitutes a crowd. I'm less than half of each of you in weight AND stature. 03-hissyfit
Why don't the five of us suit up for the homecoming game and play. The four of you could be the offensive line, I could be the tailback, and I could play 'peek-a-boo' all afternoon with Marshall's defense as they try to figure out where I'm hiding among you four Godzirras. (If the four of you don't look down when I'm around, you may never see me.)
The description I put is just some of the colorful comments. Literally, I was getting out of the car and "smelly" Alabama something was sent my way.

The best comment was some guy yelling "Hey look, UAB has A fan". I looked around it did appear to be 10,000 to 1.

Can you imagine if they knew I was born in Massachusetts, lived in Texas, and rooted for UAB?
Smoke would still be wafting off my carcass.

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