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Wake me when it's over.
I have a feeling that he's going to do something that might wake us all up before then......
Well, then hurry up and send him another bag of pretzels! They almost did the trick the last time.
03-lmfao That they did, I'll order up another batch, wish the last one would have worked.
Oh boy, here come the righteous posts.....sorry, we really are hoping for a giant sinkhole. trademark whinny.

Let them brang it on! 05-stirthepot

This is America. Free speech and all. We have the right to joke about our Joker. And I don't mean the Batman one, Robin.
^Been channeling Baseline?
Bush has pretty much been a non-event since the last Presidential election. He hardly ever appears anymore except for some social event. Almost never takes a press conference.

In retrospect he was in way over his head. He picked bad advisors because he lacked judgement to pick good ones. He relied on bad advice from the wrong folks time and time again, when anyone with an ounce of common sense would have taken the political hit and sent those advisors packing.

McCain's problem is he can't break away from Bush's failed policies. His proposed policy on Iraq is to maintain the current course, when most Americans recognize it for a collosal blunder that should be ended yesterday if not sooner.

Americans are worried about the economy first and foremost and McCain like Bush before him just doesn't recognize that. Obama does and it's why he'll win the election going away.

The more you hear from McCain the lamer his solutions sound. Glib only takes you so far then folks want solutions that work.
I'm afraid if Obama wins, we have another Carter. What a tool, going over to Europe and acting as if he's already won. That convince me right there, he's not getting my vote.
It sure isn't much of a choice DB but I can't vote for McCain. What does he offer, "Stay the course."? Hell, my jobs on the line if the economy continues to flounder!

The Republicans have lost the message. Bush is a nitwit and a fool and was used by the Neocons to promote their foreign policy agenda. Now he realizes he was played for a sucker but he's a lame duck with a Democrat Congress-what's he going to do? Run around the world looking for more money for African AIDS programs?! What the hell does that do for Americans frightened about the rising cost of health care or their job security??

McCain hasn't given Americans any reason to vote for him in November. They're sick of Bush and all McCain does is promise more of the same-he's made no case for himself.

Obama may well be another Jimmy Carter, but he's got the inside track for the White House. I guess I'll just have to accept Richard Holbrooke as the next Secretary of State. He who gave us the obscene war against Yugoslavia will again be holding the foreign policy reigns of power. 03-banghead
Those three thinktanks have us by the shorthairs.
Indeed they do. US foreign policy is out of the control of the American people. Nobody gets nominated for President from each of the major parties who does not concede their control of foreign policy in his/her Administration.

Presidents have become powerless figureheads for all intents and purposes. A convenient face behind which Machivellian special interests promote their policies unhindered. And sadly there will never be a shortage of folks who crave the Presidency for their own selfish interests (note Clinton who has become a multi-millionaire since leaving office) and will sell out the interests of the American people to line their own pockets.

Our system has become corrupt beyond our wildest nightmares.
Quote:The new figure actually underestimates the deficit, since it leaves out about $80 billion in war costs. In a break from tradition — and in violation of new mandates from Congress — the White House did not include its full estimate of war costs.

This collosal failure we have in the White House is using smoke and mirrors to reduce an already record-setting deficit. He's bankrupted this once great nation with is moronic war and refusal to ever say No to any spending bill.

Then again, why should we be surprised? Bush was a failure at every business venture he ever attempted as a private citizen, except for selling his name as 'access' to Bush Sr. when the latter was President. Yup, he did indeed use his connections to Daddy to line his own pockets.
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