
Full Version: Red Riot Renewal
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$5 Dollars for a shirt this year???

No thanks. I didn't even get a chance to get mine this year at any of the basketball games. Oh Well.........
Wait, they want $5 to be in the RR this year? Who decided this?
HuskiemobileMan Wrote:Wait, they want $5 to be in the RR this year? Who decided this?

Who knows but this group is going to go defunct since no one wants to do anything and i've stopped updating the website because there is no point.
It's 5 dollars for the shirt not 5 dollars for membership.

However the website is confusing in the aspect that every year I have to become a new member and not renew my existing membership. The website then has a drop down list where it tells you to choose an option. All of the options cost money. The only way to just sign up as a member for free is to not choose an option and I don't know why they had to make it so confusing.

It's a sad indictment on our university that it appears so few of the people on campus care about supporting the school's athletics, especially after the "forward, together, forward" unity of this semester. The people on this board is an exception and most of them are alumni.
It is sad, it is hard to get people to go to a basketball game if they do not care about this university. Can't say I blame the athletic dept. People will come to the games to just get a shirt and then leave. Doesn't do much for them. That is what they get for giving away shirts at volleyball games. The marketing dept. screwed the pooch on this and pimped us out for Chipotle's money. I'm sure glad the Red Riot got involved in other sports to boost their visibility on campus! Way to go marketing dept. for not listening to the people that were active in the group!
BleedsHuskieRed Wrote:It is sad, it is hard to get people to go to a basketball game if they do not care about this university. Can't say I blame the athletic dept. People will come to the games to just get a shirt and then leave. Doesn't do much for them. That is what they get for giving away shirts at volleyball games. The marketing dept. screwed the pooch on this and pimped us out for Chipotle's money. I'm sure glad the Red Riot got involved in other sports to boost their visibility on campus! Way to go marketing dept. for not listening to the people that were active in the group!

ryne, u and me have lost complete control of it... whatever...

i sent an email asking if we could do a re-organization to allow it to be more student-led like it was originally planned to be and i never got a response. Seems as if they want to just take it over completely but i don't really know.

I feel as if we have failed
Huskiefan38 Wrote:
BleedsHuskieRed Wrote:It is sad, it is hard to get people to go to a basketball game if they do not care about this university. Can't say I blame the athletic dept. People will come to the games to just get a shirt and then leave. Doesn't do much for them. That is what they get for giving away shirts at volleyball games. The marketing dept. screwed the pooch on this and pimped us out for Chipotle's money. I'm sure glad the Red Riot got involved in other sports to boost their visibility on campus! Way to go marketing dept. for not listening to the people that were active in the group!

ryne, u and me have lost complete control of it... whatever...

i sent an email asking if we could do a re-organization to allow it to be more student-led like it was originally planned to be and i never got a response. Seems as if they want to just take it over completely but i don't really know.

I feel as if we have failed
If they aren't even e-mailing you back then they want nothing to do with us, and that is a mistake on their part.
I need your help with trying to find ideas to help our group at Calumet College, "Lake Effect" grow. Some of us administrators (me, the AD, and others) are trying to have some theme nights for our basketball games. What do you think would work (alcohol can't be involved)?

EMUTRACK1574 Wrote:I need your help with trying to find ideas to help our group at Calumet College, "Lake Effect" grow. Some of us administrators (me, the AD, and others) are trying to have some theme nights for our basketball games. What do you think would work (alcohol can't be involved)?

Win games and let the students run it all. That is the way to do it. If the administration or marketing dept. runs it, it will die in 2 years.
We've had two winning seasons in a row, so that has helped. Our AD works with the students and is the advisor of the student booster club. We're a small college, so our athletic department has the full support of the adminstration.
BleedsHuskieRed Wrote:
Huskiefan38 Wrote:
BleedsHuskieRed Wrote:It is sad, it is hard to get people to go to a basketball game if they do not care about this university. Can't say I blame the athletic dept. People will come to the games to just get a shirt and then leave. Doesn't do much for them. That is what they get for giving away shirts at volleyball games. The marketing dept. screwed the pooch on this and pimped us out for Chipotle's money. I'm sure glad the Red Riot got involved in other sports to boost their visibility on campus! Way to go marketing dept. for not listening to the people that were active in the group!

ryne, u and me have lost complete control of it... whatever...

i sent an email asking if we could do a re-organization to allow it to be more student-led like it was originally planned to be and i never got a response. Seems as if they want to just take it over completely but i don't really know.

I feel as if we have failed
If they aren't even e-mailing you back then they want nothing to do with us, and that is a mistake on their part.

Screw them. It's time to reorganize and start a 100% student run group in opposition to your old group. Don't even talk to athletics about it. Just show up to the events.

Down with the man! viva la revolution!
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