
Full Version: Dollar hits new low against EU, Canadian dollar and Yen.
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Fed compounds problem by lowering interest rates to stimulate US stock market and economy.

Are we heading for a major Correction within the next 6 months to a year????

Should BroncoPhilly hedge his bets and start putting a significant portion of his portfolio into overseas Bonds (mainly European)?????03-idea
Fed cuts key rate yesterday by a quarter percentage point, yet market is down 1.5% today (200 points on Dow) already. Are we starting into a global correction that is even beyond the Fed's ability to influence?

I'm getting concerned. Maybe time to start pulling money out of the equity markets and putting it into some fixed interest instruments! 04-jawdrop

Fed lowers interst rates yesterday, Dow is down about 400 points today. Not very encouraging. Confidence seems to be dropping faster than inhibitions on a honeymoon.

I know, I know, it was all only PROFIT TAKING! 03-lmfao
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