
Full Version: Volleyball Game vs ISU
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So I went tonight and we had like about 100 red rioters there!!!! We had some nice chanting going on and they all stayed for quite a while!!!

We had to have handed out about 150 shirts!

We are having another official riot appearance on September 5th vs. Depaul!!! I am making a Riot Act and everything... Got half of my floor to come and we are handing out shirts, parking passes and burritos again. Some of us plan on painting up too, just to get some freshman excited for it.

Ryne, Justin, Nick, Eric, many others (those are first names that came to head) can you guys come maybe? it would be cooler if it was loud (we are all the loud ones lol) So anyways, yeah! It was really cool tonight.
I had a night class tonight. Did you tell all these people about the Red Riot website? Did they like it? Did the volleyball team losing today deter any of them from wanting to return?
no i didnt meet many tonight. it will be on the riot act next week
I was at work, like I told you on the phone, I will try to be at the next one.
BleedsHuskieRed Wrote:I was at work, like I told you on the phone, I will try to be at the next one.

Alright cool :D
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