
Full Version: The New MAC Report Online
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Hi Everyone -

We have revamped MAC Report Online. Please check it out at http://www.macreportonline.com

Same content but delivered, I think, in a higher tech fashion that rivals some of the bigger sites. You will note that at the top of the home page we have a "flipper" feature that "flips" highlights of the six most recent stories with a lead-in and then a link to the story. They flip about every 5-7 seconds.

The articles are also broken down between football and hoops, latest news and most popular news. We also have a "slider" feature neaer the bottom that lets you scroll more articles.

We are still populating some areas such as links and archives, but we are ready to roll and would welcome your feedback.

I have issues with the reporting on Cubit's new contract.
$40,000 for TV, radio, and speaking engagements? Correct me if I am wrong, but the Gazette reported $75,000 for these engagements.
Also, you did not mention that the incentives, if all met, would equal $509,000/year. I felt that your story was misleading, leaving the reader to believe that the max that Cubit would make would only be $231,000/year.
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