
Full Version: Both the House and the Senate have joined the dark side...
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At least that is what it looks like to me. The House is toast, and the Senate looks to be as well. Maybe it is time to move to.....um....where do conservatives control a country?
GrayBeard Wrote:At least that is what it looks like to me. The House is toast, and the Senate looks to be as well. Maybe it is time to move to.....um....where do conservatives control a country?

The middle east ;-)
mlb Wrote:
GrayBeard Wrote:At least that is what it looks like to me. The House is toast, and the Senate looks to be as well. Maybe it is time to move to.....um....where do conservatives control a country?

The middle east ;-)

lmfao lmfao lmfao lmfao
The Pubs have abandoned their principals and lost because of that IMHO. The dems did not offer anything attractive. Lets see what the donkeys can do now. They PROMISED to get us out of Iraq. Lets just wait and watch. BTW, hide your money.
With the way the Dems treated
[Image: lieberman.jpg]
I will be interested to see how much they kiss his ass now. Hell, he is one of the few with conviction.


rickheel Wrote:The dems did not offer anything attractive.

I was unaware that they offered anything.


mlb Wrote:
GrayBeard Wrote:At least that is what it looks like to me. The House is toast, and the Senate looks to be as well. Maybe it is time to move to.....um....where do conservatives control a country?

The middle east ;-)

Unfortunately GrayBeard would get stoned to death for his beliefs in the Middle East and I would not want to lose his support for ECU.

I would say Australia. Fairly conservative place politically. Decent economy, nice beaches, not too crowded and pretty affordable Real Estate
rickheel Wrote:The Pubs have abandoned their principals and lost because of that IMHO. The dems did not offer anything attractive.

The republicans deserved to lose, and lose big. Not because the dems will be any better but because they became part of the government status quo instead of fighting against it like they were elected to do. Hopefully this will serve as a wake up call to them.
Ninerfan1 Wrote:The republicans deserved to lose, and lose big. Not because the dems will be any better but because they became part of the government status quo instead of fighting against it like they were elected to do. Hopefully this will serve as a wake up call to them.

Agreed, I'm all for a shakeup every once in a while just to make sure they aren't getting too comfortable.
It's a great day for America. Nice to see a clear repudiation of Bush and his crew of idiots. It was so fun listening to Sean Hannity beg his listeners to go out to the polls and vote yesterday. Touching, really. All the hand-wringing and teeth-gnashing from the Right is music to my ears.

Speaker Pelosi? Ah yes. Things are going to be interesting now. Finally some oversight. The subpoenas will be ready to roll after the swearing-in ceremonies are complete.

wvucrazed Wrote:It's a great day for America. Nice to see a clear repudiation of Bush and his crew of idiots. It was so fun listening to Sean Hannity beg his listeners to go out to the polls and vote yesterday. Touching, really. All the hand-wringing and teeth-gnashing from the Right is music to my ears.

Speaker Pelosi? Ah yes. Things are going to be interesting now. Finally some oversight. The subpoenas will be ready to roll after the swearing-in ceremonies are complete.


If you are against idiots I am going to assume you have never voted for this guy...

[Image: robert_byrd.jpg]

Sad to say I have friends and relatives in Morgantown who sit around drinking $1 beers at Bucks while they are unemployed for half the year and love ole KKK Byrd and welfare system of the Democrats.
ShoreBuc Wrote:
wvucrazed Wrote:It's a great day for America. Nice to see a clear repudiation of Bush and his crew of idiots. It was so fun listening to Sean Hannity beg his listeners to go out to the polls and vote yesterday. Touching, really. All the hand-wringing and teeth-gnashing from the Right is music to my ears.

Speaker Pelosi? Ah yes. Things are going to be interesting now. Finally some oversight. The subpoenas will be ready to roll after the swearing-in ceremonies are complete.


If you are against idiots I am going to assume you have never voted for this guy...

[Image: robert_byrd.jpg]

Sad to say I have friends and relatives in Morgantown who sit around drinking $1 beers at Bucks while they are unemployed for half the year and love ole KKK Byrd and welfare system of the Democrats.

lmfao Since I live in Virginia, and have for over 10 years - and was a misguided Republican in my college days - I have never voted for Byrd.

Let me ask you, though: who do you think the KKK members tend to vote for these days? It ain't the Dems.

The Democrats have put up with unilateralism from the GOP for a long, long, long time. They have not even ATTEMPTED any kind of bipartisanship.

We'll see how that approach works for BushCo now. Things are gonna be a little bit different in D.C. And it's about time.
wvucrazed Wrote:The subpoenas will be ready to roll after the swearing-in ceremonies are complete.

This would make me happier than you can know. While getting the left wing loonies orgasmic over it the witch hunt will ensure republicans are back in control in two years. 04-rock
Ninerfan1 Wrote:
wvucrazed Wrote:The subpoenas will be ready to roll after the swearing-in ceremonies are complete.

This would make me happier than you can know. While getting the left wing loonies orgasmic over it the witch hunt will ensure republicans are back in control in two years. 04-rock

Ya think? Well I guess it depends on what the subpoenas uncover, doesn't it? You that confident that all is on the up and up with BushCo and his cronies? No worries that there *might* just be some problems waiting to unfold?

I think the GOP is in for some continuing bad news over the next couple of years. lmfao

And dramatic Dem pickups in Gov and State Legislature races are going to help big-time during the 2008 presidential election. So we'll see.

Two years from now is a little far afield to be thinking, although I guess it's only natural when a team loses to be pointing towards the next game. Right now, the focus should be on how much better off we'll all be with a wedge between BushCo and his administration's continuing follies.
Not if the documents from Cheney's highly classified meetings with big oil executives on his "energy task force" turn out to be as incriminating as some speculate. Also there will be alot of documents regarding pre-war intel and the run-up to war in Iraq.

Only time will tell....
The dems have taken the house and possibly the senate. Now the hard work begins. If the dems offer nothing but and I hate bush mantra, they will lose their seats as quickly as they gained. I suspect the president will be willing to work with them so the republicans don't seem like a do nothing party for the next two years when the POTUS elections come up. IF Bush does try to work with them, it would be in the best interest of the country and the dem party to work with him.

Bush knows how wot work with dems, he did it in Texas.
wvucrazed Wrote:Ya think? Well I guess it depends on what the subpoenas uncover, doesn't it? You that confident that all is on the up and up with BushCo and his cronies? No worries that there *might* just be some problems waiting to unfold?

Yep. Here's why. Investigations like this are very complex. Combine that with the fact that we're already in Iraq. There's nothing moving forward about going back to why we went, especially since it has already been investigated by our House, our Senate and the British parliment. This will be bad PR for the dems. There will be no impeachment, no censure. The Clinton impeachment backfired on republicans, the same would happen to the dems.

Second, dems have control because they basically recruited people who are republicans in everything but name to run in the moderate/conservative districts. These folks are elected by people who don't like Iraq, but they don't hate the president with the vitrol that people like you do. And while you'll light a cig and pour a glass of wine for investigations, these folks won't like it. And their representatives can't be seen as supporting it or they'll be out in two years.

The majority of the electorate doesn't vote out of blind hatred like you wvu. They're sensible. And they voted for change. The dems have their chance to actually do something good. But most are like you, which is nothing short of spectacular for republicans.
I'm cautiously optmistic for the next two years. Why??? who could of seen this coming 2 years ago. and I'm going to start another topic but Im not so sure Pelosi gets the speaker. Remember the tide started to turn on the Republicans with Murtha. I think he comes out of this as the speaker. Plus alot of the Democratic gains were in the Midwest. I was hoping the gal that called him a coward would of had her day, but she survived. Niner, has some good points. The Democrats won by being centrist. Let's hope they govern that way... btw I do think the center does want some answers with subpoena power on the how' and why's of Iraq.
Machiavelli Wrote:The Democrats won by being centrist. Let's hope they govern that way... btw I do think the center does want some answers with subpoena power on the how' and why's of Iraq.

I agree that I hope they govern from a centrist position, I disagree that the center wants investigations about why.

The hard on for investigations really comes from the left wingers like wvu. The center doesn't hate Bush. They don't like his policy, but they don't hate him. And they don't want to see him strung up or impeached like the left. The center didn't hate Clinton either, which is why impeachment backfired on republicans.
I like to consider myself centrist, but you may be right. Maybe they'll bring back those focus polls Clinton had such an affinity for. It's almost a ju-jitsu situation here.
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