
Full Version: Should you vaccinate your newborn?
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As some of you probably know, my wife is expecting our first child in the fall. I had lunch w/ my cousin who became a father about a year ago. He was giving me advice about this and that...then he started telling me about vaccinations.

He was telling how many vaccinations the doctors want to give these children & the negative affects they could have. Some vaccinations have Mercury in them, which can harm the child. Also, there may be a link between autism and vaccinations. He had me a bit freaked out.

He sent me this link with the warning that the doctor was a bit over the top.

<a href="http://www.mercola.com/article/v.../death.htm" target="_blank">www.mercola.com/article/v.../death.htm</a>

I was wondering if anyone has looked into to this.
I dont think you have a choice really at least for the standard stuff like Polio and small pox. I know to get into any public school you have to have all of your vaccinations up to date. But as far as stuff like Chicken pox or the flu I dont think that is really necessary neither of those diseases are life threatening except maybe in severe circumstances. But as far as the standard stuff I dont think you really have much of a choice.

Oh and for some reason your link doesnt work...
The best and simplest way to say this is... there are risks with vaccinations.. but the risks that an UNvaccinated child faces FAR outweigh the risks faced when getting a vaccination.

Yes, they are required by law, but there are ways for people, usually for religious reasons, to get around them. I am personally a 'safety in numbers person.' I look around at the billions of kids that get vaccinations and I realize that they harm a small percentage. To me, it's a risk worth taking.

Look at circumcision... nothing to show that it's medically necessary at all... the risks are downright scary... the babies are not anestasized (yes, that's spelled wrong and I'm too loo lazy to look it up)... but I would still do it.. and purely for social reasons. So, go figure.
<a href="http://webhome.idirect.com/~born2luv/immunization.html" target="_blank">http://webhome.idirect.com/~born2luv/immunization.html</a>

<a href="http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/8148/vac.html" target="_blank">http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/8148/vac.html</a>

For what it is worth, we vaccinated both of our children. We trust our pediatrician.

<small>[ June 13, 2002, 06:42 AM: Message edited by: rickheel ]</small>
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