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Ok guy I have a seriuos issue....I'm registering to vote tomorrow but I don't know whether to join as in an inpendent a republican or democrat.... HELP ME!!!
Who says you have to register and include a party affiliation?
well...this is the way i look at it...

Which do you like? Donkeys, or Elephants? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="wink.gif" />
BG... party affiliation on your voter's registration card in maryland allows you to vote in 'your' party's primary. not to insult your intelligence, but if you don't understand the primaries, just let me know via PM and i'll explain that whole process to you.

basically, you need to decide if you want to vote your choice in your party's primary, or cast an 'anti' vote in the opposing party's primary. many republicans do this in maryland, hoping to knock the frontrunner off the democratic ticket.

your party affiliation means nothing else besides that. it provides the state with some statistics and it will probably fill your mailbox with propaganda from your party.

lastly, if you just aren't sure what your political leanings are, then i can probably give you some very basic questions to ask yourself. though i'm pretty daggone conservative, i believe in a two-party system and would not try to sway your opinions. most kids your age (i'm old, so i can still call you a kid) tend to lean to the left because they see the world as a place where everyone should suffer equally and everyone needs to share. then, as they get older and they realize the difference between a 38% tax burden on a $25K/yr income and an $125K/year income, they tend to change their attitudes.. LOL.

seriously.. i love politics.. feel free to pm if you wish.
where's that political party thread???
dang...I thought this was going to be about some block party or something <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" /> alright, not really...

...being as I can't vote, my advice may not be taken seriously by some people around here; however, I will give you my opinion- just look at the main issues facing America and your views on them to see if they agree with the republican or democratic side. (as Pooh said, I don't mean to question your intelligence, but if you do not know the republican/democratic views, I have sites with them listed out from a project I had to do) If they balance out, or if you are undecided, maybe independent is right for you (at the time).....or you could always just ask yourself wheather or not you like Dubya...but then again, he gives a bad name to republicans in some aspects. Ok, I'm shutting up now before rickheel scolds me. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="wink.gif" />
Ok thanks everyone....
For right now...I'm going to register as Democratic, I like how they're more liberal than the republican's and etc....I know I can always change it if I want to...I pretty much know about each party and the other parties...I'd go indpendent but for now I want to be able to vote in the primaries. My dad's independent and that's cool w/me and my mom's democratic...but my choice has nothing to do w/that....anyways thanks a bunch.
:: cough, cough :: Libertarian Party!!! :: cough, cough ::
<a href="http://www.self-gov.org/quiz.html" target="_blank">World's Smallest Political Quiz</a>

Disclaimer: This quiz is purely for enjoyment, but since it does cover the basic issues, it may help people see where they fit on the political spectrum.
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