
Full Version: Albert "Apha Male" Gore Speaks
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Alpha Gore is to endorse that Confederate flag waving metrosexual Howard Dean tomorrow, snubbing his former running mate and the other grandees of the Democrat Party. Excellent news because (1) it will cause further internal fracturing of the baby-killer party; and (2) give that Repuocrat Bush II an easier time next year.

Of course the bad news is that this is all a plot, designed to clear away the pygmies who dance and dawdle at the feet of Hillary!.

Still, while we can be entertained, let us be entertained with Ketchup guy using the f word, trying to show us all what man he is, and a Naomi Wolf approved loser like Alpha solemnly decreeing that the nomination next year should go to the Confederate flag waving metrosexual from Vermont.

It can only get better.
Again with the anti-Clintonism. don't get me wrong, they aren't my favorite people, but everytime I bang my head or stub my toe, I don't start blaming Bill and Hillary.

Funny thing I heard on the way to the forum this morning, NPR replayed a George H.W. Bush speech in which he said that NAFTA would increase American jobs and overall boost the economy. The speech was given in 1992, prior to the election. Clinton came in and lobbied for it,basically stealing the GOPpers agenda (which he was very adept at doing) and now the GOPpers are blaming the Clintons for all the lost jobs as a resultt of NAFTA.
Funny, NPR aired a clip from a speech by Ross Perot in which he proclaimed NAFTA would cripple the U.S.economy,maybe not immediately but in the speech he predicted future administrations would be blaming the other party for NAFTA because it would take a while to affect the American worker and the U.S. ecomomy (spooky because I voted for Perot).

Anyway,Hillary doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of being president. I've yet to meet anyone who likes the woman and we have way too many fanatics in this country if she so much as even got the nomination, she'd be offed!

Gore's knod to Dean means the death knell for the Howie campaign. It looks like four more years of uncontrolled war and spending. No need to be negative here neocons, after the formality of the election we'll invade Syria and Saudi Arabia, maybe even North Korea and you all can sit back and watch groovey war scenes for another four years!
You all should rejoice, you have a president who has no one in his way and he wants to wage more war. Furthermore, he wants to spend your tax dollars on war. You gotta love capitalism!
How would uncontrolled gov't spending be "capitalism"? Seemsto me that gov't spending is the antithesis of capitalism, given the the fact that taxes most be imposed to pay for it, thereby reducing money available to build capital.
Yeah, that's a common misunderstanding among Americans these days. We do not have a capitalist economy and haven't had one since the 1890s. We are a mixed economy but everyone seems to label consumerism as capitalism. Anyway you gotta love it! Any system that calls for perpetual war you gotta love it!
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