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I was just wondering what you folks thought of Al Gores endorsement of Dean. Not so much the endorsement, but what it means in relation to his relationship with the Clintons and his and Hil's possible run in 08. His making the announcement in Harlem, right down the street from Bill's office kinda threw down the gauntlet, IMHO. Discuss
I really don't understand all the fuss over Hillary. I mean, she has not said she intends to run, only the media and some scared Republicans have claimed that she WILL run.

Now, with the risk of being called a sexist, I will say that Hillary doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of becoming our president. I just don't think the electorate would choose a female candidate who is so divisive. If we ever have a female president, she will be one who unites and leads. Anyway, I still think we are 50+ years away from having either a female president or a minority president, especially now that we are seeing the great conservative revolution in this country.

Funny you asked, Rick, because I just read a Commerical Appeal (Memphis, TN) opinion article that talked about how the Republicans are trying to get Democrats to vote Republican in 04 so that way Hillary can be poised to seek the nomination in 08. If Dean or any other Democrat should take the White House (unlikely) then Hillary would not be the frontrunner in 08. By the time she would be a frontrunner, she'd be too old.

After reading the column (written by a neocon) I thought, well, Hillary has not stated any intentions to seek the White House, so why is this even an issue? Thinking long and hard about it, I deduced that it is just a way for neocons to continue with their unhealthy obsession with the Clintons!

With the exception of about 3 or 4 very liberal states, if Hillary were to run today (or in 08) as the Democratic nominee, she'd fail to get more than 4 states electoral votes. Yes, I believe she is that far out of step with mainstream Americans.

Perhaps I shouldn't have responded to this because I've only voted Democrat once in my life and that was for MS atty genrl. I usually vote Republican or independent. In the last national election, I voted Libertarian simply because a race between Bush or Gore was a non-choice in my opinion. And, living in Mississippi (5 electoral votes), it really doesn't matter because our state's electoral votes go to the Republicans whether that is George W., Dole, Jeb or some kitty-cat they market as 'your next president.' As long as a candidate has a Republican label, he/she will get Mississippi's electoral votes (makes me wonder why they go through the formality of the election).

In closing, I state this:
You GOPpers have no fears. George W. is too powerful and too rich to not win again. He is our president until 09 and I have accepted that. I really think the next national election is merely just a waste of time and money. What I'd really like to see, though, is Dean and Edwards in a cage-match like they have on wrestling. Now that would generate some interest! :laugh:
I have enjoyed seeing Al finally show he has a set! The dynamic between him and the Clintons has been interesting, to say the least. Hil can say what she wants, she can feel her rather large behind in the seat in the oval office. She craves the power(not that all pols dont). I cannot see her running for pres and winning. Did you see that Clark (the Clintons golden boy) has said he would not rule out having Hil as his VP running mate.
rickheel Wrote:I have enjoyed seeing Al finally show he has a set! The dynamic between him and the Clintons has been interesting, to say the least. Hil can say what she wants, she can feel her rather large behind in the seat in the oval office. She craves the power(not that all pols dont). I cannot see her running for pres and winning. Did you see that Clark (the Clintons golden boy) has said he would not rule out having Hil as his VP running mate.
Clark is the Clintons lap dog. I have to wonder whether he got shot in the head while in the military, in view of his nutty answers to some questions and his flip-flops in views.

Of course he would have Hillary! as a VP candidate. They told him so.
Dick Morris (the guy who was getting his toes sucked while Billy Clinton was getting something else sucked) had an interesting point of view about Alpha Gore's endorsement. Summed up, he is splitting the blanket with the Clinnons because he dislikes the direction they are taking whats left of the Socialist Party, and because he intends to run for the nomination, against Hillary! in 2008.

Can't wait to see that race. I expect Hillary! will have him offed before then, though.
Thursday, Dec. 11, 2003 11:02 a.m. EST
Carville: Gore Looks Like 'a Corpse'

Former Clinton war room capo James Carville is trashing ex-Vice President Al Gore's decision this week to endorse Howard Dean, saying that Gore looked like "a corpse" at Tuesday's announcement ceremony in Harlem.

"It was the perfect picture of a doctor and a corpse standing there," Carville told radio host Don Imus Thursday morning.

The Clinton hit man also derided Dean's decision to bring Gore to Harlem in a bid to appeal to African-Americans, saying Gore could never compete with his old boss.

"I don't think Al Gore should even get in the same ring with Bill Clinton when it comes to trying to impress black voters," Carville advised.

The Democratic strategist openly boasted that the Vermont Democrat's presidential bid was doomed, recounting a conversation he had with one top Dean aide.

"I told Steve McMahon, the media guy for Dean, who was on 'Crossfire': You have one of the three most influential presidential campaigns of my lifetime. That's the good news. The bad news is the other two are McGovern and Goldwater."

Carville predicted that Gore would run for president himself in 2008, but wouldn't stand a chance against Hillary Clinton. "It would be a titanic struggle but it would be more of a personal struggle as opposed to an ideological struggle," he explained.

"My sense is, if it came down to that, it wouldn't be very close," he told Imus.
i hate this government it is becoming like 1984.
I am my own government along with the word of the bible.
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