
Full Version: Fred Rouse
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is he a 'nole? i think he is or at least i hope...
I say Rouse is a Nole along with Jessie Hester Jr.
Its a long time until Signing Day (9 months) so anything can happen.
Rouse plays football in Tallahassee so I say he's ours to beat.
Hester Jr, hopefully will follow his fathers footsteps like Ernie Sims and play for us also.
Hester is a speed burner and looked very impressive at the Nike Football camps.
hester, rouse, and the murphy kid would be very nice...then possibly beck or perriloux, the kid from Lousiana and then we need DE's out the but...i think we should sign a great class this year again...most of it hinges on wether we can beat UM or not..
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