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<a href='http://athlonsports.com/article.php3?story_id=2999' target='_blank'>http://athlonsports.com/article.php3?story_id=2999</a>

#11 early. Brad Smith is an animal, I look forward to seeing him play this year.
cbfranchise3 Wrote:<a href='http://athlonsports.com/article.php3?story_id=2999' target='_blank'>http://athlonsports.com/article.php3?story_id=2999</a>

#11 early. Brad Smith is an animal, I look forward to seeing him play this year.
This Big 12 north division is going to be wide open this year with three possible winners. KSU, NU, and MU.
Cougar Fan Wrote:
cbfranchise3 Wrote:<a href='http://athlonsports.com/article.php3?story_id=2999' target='_blank'>http://athlonsports.com/article.php3?story_id=2999</a>

#11 early.&nbsp; Brad Smith is an animal, I look forward to seeing him play this year.
This Big 12 north division is going to be wide open this year with three possible winners. KSU, NU, and MU.
I think it will come down to Missouri and KSU. I give the slight edge to KSU.
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