Hey Kent fans, stop by
http://www.uofazips.com/podcast.htm and check out our Roo-Casts. They are podcasts dedicated to U of A ZIPS athletics. You don't need to have an iPod to listen to them. You can hear them directly from the website. I thought you might be interested in our latest episode as it reviews the upcoming Akron-Kent game.
Great win Saturday. Edelman really had us on our heels. I wish Akron would have actually showed up to make it a game, but I think they stayed on the bus Saturday. One thing for sure: Kent is much better this year than in past years. I look forward to future games being more intense than in the past....just like the basketball rivalry.
Just though you might be interested to listen to our recap on our Roo-Cast episode 05 which can be found here:
It is a few days past, but why would I ever log on to a University of Akron Athletics website? There is just not enough time in the day.
Actually, it was a rather nice cast. I think Fearthe Roo deserves thanks (the moreso if he chooses a more appropriate moniker).
AlphaFlash Wrote:It is a few days past, but why would I ever log on to a University of Akron Athletics website? There is just not enough time in the day.
Grow up.
Doc, Thanks man. If AlphaFlash wasn't such a moron he might have listened and heard the props I gave your football team. Great season so far. I know we are not out of it, but you are more in it at this point by far. If we can't scrape out a post season appearance then it will be nice to have two competitive programs at the same time. When was the last time this happened if ever??!! I don't know if I can take the stress though. The basketball rivalry has been so exciting in the last few years I don't know if I can handle it if we prolonged that through the football season as well! ;-) It's a good problem to have though!
The moron apologises. Sorry, I just wasn't expecting that on the Kent State Smack Forum.
Thanks, man. Hey, we can be civil and talk smack right? Here, just so you don't feel left out of true smack talk, take a look at
this article as it has more implications for Kent than Akron! lmfao
Thats what I'm used to. I hear it enough at work.
Although Akron did a decent job at trying to be the 66th best team in the nation last year.