I'm flying solo on this board, and it's driving me crazy. BTW, do you ever post at I-AA.org's message board? Lots of GSU fans, just wondering if you are one of them. Over there, I'm "Catamount man". Please get to posting again. :D GO CATS!!
You know thats a good question...
This board sure has been slow, why don't we get it going again

No crap Techfan! SOCON RULES!!! C'mon SOCON FANS!!

I wonder where GSU eagle is...
:ninja: Hybernating. :ninja:
We have a creek that runs beside the parking lot at Whitmire Stadium in Cullowhee. Looks like I've got to e-mail coach Briggs and see if we can get our own "creek tradition" started up in Cullowhee!

I don't know about that...
That's kinda like getting a Model A Ford, painting it Purple and Yellow and calling it the Ramblin' Cat! ...Tech would schedule you, just to beat the snot out of you. You have to play us every year.
Maybe if you changed your helmets again :eek:
Juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust kidding... just kidding... funny as hell though.
I collect money for a living, so my skin is super thick! Hope springs eternal for us Catamount followers, so ya gotta believe! Seriously, we need to hookup for the game in Statesboro this year. I've turned my old man into a Cat as well, and we plan on hitting all 11 games, and we'd love to hit Statesboro. Let me know. GO CATS!! (Hopefully, the helmets we have now will remain. I like them a lot!)
It's a date. Mrs. gasoutherneagle and myself love Eagle football so much we are currently trying to move back to the Coastal Empire. Hopefully by game time we'll be back in the 'Boro for good.
Have you ever been to the "World's Largest Weekly Cocktail Party" before?
If not you are in for a treat. Tip: Eat well that morning.
Provisions for game: Beer and plenty of it, SOUTHERN Comfort and coke rules the stadium seats--when in Rome, Don't worry about contraban we don't check bags at the gate--bring in ALLLLLLLLL you want, RED MEAT and grill.
I'd suggest getting to the parking lot by 9 AM. Tailgating started yesterday so get started as soon as you get set up.
Mingle. Eagle fans in the Large Tailgate section love to invite the victims over to shoot the sh-- and hang out.
Sounds like a winner. We still have nine months (I'm assuming we'll play in October again) to plan everything. Can't wait! GO CATS!!

Yea, we start early. Its lots of fun though!!! Drink, eat, and be merry. I'm a member of the RFG (red flag gang) which is the most known tailgating group at Southern. we usually have anywhere from 20-60 people everyday. Feel free to stop by and drink a beer with us!!