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:wave: Then you made me register twice. :laugh: Anyway I finally made it in. The place looks a little empty though.
It was booming a good bit during the early part of last football season. GSU fans, ASU fans, maybe 1 or 2 Furman fans, and me and another guy (was it TopCat?) made up the Western Carolina leg of the board. Thanks for joining us. Get all the SoCon fans you know. Let's rawk this board!! GO CATS!!
Catamount Cooter Wrote:Get all the SoCon fans you know. Let's rawk this board!! GO CATS!!
Now THAT'S the spirit!
Stay with us...


Tell everyone you know. Just dont do it on Southern-Connection.com.
They don't like competition...such that it is.
georgia_tech_swagger Wrote:
Catamount Cooter Wrote:Get all the SoCon fans you know. Let's rawk this board!! GO CATS!!
Now THAT'S the spirit!
You think that's spirit, you should see me at Whitmire Stadium on a Fall Saturday cheering the Cats! 04-cheers 04-drinky 04-drinky GO CATS!!
:stupid: Yeah, he's the one passed out by the car by game time :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
:D Nah, just by halftime!! :D GO CATS!!
gasoutherneagle Wrote:Tell everyone you know. Just dont do it on Southern-Connection.com.
They don't like competition...such that it is.
Yeah I noticed. I got nuked a while back for posting some negative comments. Isn't a message board a place to vent? Guess not.
Eagle in the 'Boro Wrote:Isn't a message board a place to vent?
haha - couldn't agree more.

Ask gasoutherneagle... there has been plenty of venting on the GT board about AJ Suggs :)
georgia_tech_swagger Wrote:
Eagle in the 'Boro Wrote:Isn't a message board a place to vent?
haha - couldn't agree more.

Ask gasoutherneagle... there has been plenty of venting on the GT board about AJ Suggs :)
btw - The original board for Georgia Tech fans, which I seldom if ever post on anymore, is lovingly referred to by me as the Communist Manifesto. You can get das boot on there for posting too much.. no joke...
georgia_tech_swagger Wrote:
Eagle in the 'Boro Wrote:Isn't a message board a place to vent?
haha - couldn't agree more.

Ask gasoutherneagle... there has been plenty of venting on the GT board about AJ Suggs :)
Amen to that. We're like the island of misfit toys. We come here to vent when other boards (guess there's one for every school) won't allow it.
georgia_tech_swagger Wrote:
Eagle in the 'Boro Wrote:Isn't a message board a place to vent?
haha - couldn't agree more.

Ask gasoutherneagle... there has been plenty of venting on the GT board about AJ Suggs :)

no comment :ninja: .
gasoutherneagle Wrote:
georgia_tech_swagger Wrote:
Eagle in the 'Boro Wrote:Isn't a message board a place to vent?
haha - couldn't agree more.

Ask gasoutherneagle... there has been plenty of venting on the GT board about AJ Suggs :)

no comment :ninja: .
so gasoutherneagle are you a techy in disguise?

gasoutherneagle is an eagle fan, no doubt, but also pulls for Tech some.
Well i guess its alright, since its all GA teams!!
With your sig, before typing, do the Color and Font things and then "Close all tags" when your done typing

See if that works 04-cheers

<!--EDIT|techfan4|Jan 23 2003, 05:04 PM-->
savannaheaglegurl Wrote:Well i guess its alright, since its all GA teams!!
As long as he doesn't like the slobs up at the University(sic) of Georgia.
Oh! You deserve a cold one. 04-cheers 04-drinky 04-bow 04-cheers
techfan4 Wrote:Oh! You deserve a cold one. 04-cheers &nbsp;04-drinky &nbsp;04-bow &nbsp;04-cheers
Make that a double! 04-cheers 04-cheers 04-bow 04-cheers 04-cheers
I was born and raised Tech fan...went to the 'Boro, baptized in Eagle Creek, and BORN AGAIN EAGLE!!!

Still got love for my Jackets. 04-cheers

...well...minus A.J. :bang:

<!--EDIT|gasoutherneagle|Jan 24 2003, 01:24 AM-->
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