:D 7pm at the RAC. GSU vs WCU! GO CATS!!
I would say the same to you, BUT WE NEED A WIN!

So do we.

:( 87-82 GSU. What a ballgame. You hate to see anybody lose a game as good as that one was. I was there, and I'll give you guys credit. You shut down Kevin Martin in the last few minutes of the game, and forced turnovers. Good luck the rest of the way! To the GSU fans that made the trip to the RAC, I hope you had a great time and a safe trip home. GO CATS!!
Was the game at the RAC or Hanner?
The RAC. I saw a blond-headed woman wearing what looked to be a leather jacket cheering wildly for GSU, and I thought to myself, "I wonder if that's...nah!"

:D Great game though. Hope we'll rebound Monday against UNCG. GO CATS!!
Sorry Catamount it wasn't an SEG spotting! If you ever see me you'll know it. I'm darkheaded and I promise that I am louder than that woman could ever be!!

SEG = Mrs. gasoutherneagle??
Just a thought based on the small description.


Nope sorry. I'm not a Mrs. anybody yet!! But the love of my life and I are happily together. I figured I need to wait until I finish college first.
oh - well - hope it turns out the best for you!

Thanks anyway!

...maybe she'll be a future ex-mrs.gasoutherneagle :D
I LOVE DARK HAIRED WOMEN... if she's over 5'6 we got a winner.

Juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust kidding. :angel:
:girl: mrs.gasoutherneagle is 5'11" and a hellcat :ninja:
Besides the last thing any man would ever want to do is scorn a Creek woman. ...and it probably would be the last thing