
Full Version: 2004: UGA vs. GSU
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gsueagle..... If you win... just how big will the party be back in 'Boro?
Big enough for YOU to hear in Carolina. 03-wink

UGA schedule's us once every four years. It is one hell of a good time. Georgia fans love seeing the team that Erk built and Eagle fans love the chance to topple a I-A. Now if we can just get Braine to give us a call 03-wink .
Dawgs: 41

Southern: 14
Just a tad early for predictions doggie, but OK:

GSU 28
UGA 24

Last second TD leaves the over confident Dawgs yelping, chained in the back yard. 04-cheers
gasoutherneagle Wrote:Just a tad early for predictions doggie, but OK:

GSU 28
UGA 24

Last second TD leaves the over confident Dawgs yelping, chained in the back yard. 04-cheers
bad doggie :mad:
Why am I bad?

It's Dawg by the way not Dog. Just an FYI.

And GSE: Keep dreamin' bud! :D 03-wink :wave:
:stupid: ditto.... dawggy :ninja: 03-razz :laugh:
Georgia Southern beat Georgia? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
anythings possible 03-wink
i love GSU, but i just dont see GSU beating UGA.
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